Hyderabad: Private hospitals reluctant to part with 50% Corona beds to government

Update: 2020-08-17 23:46 IST

Private hospitals reluctant to part with 50% Corona beds to government

Private hospitals reluctant to part with 50% Corona beds to government
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Hyderabad: The Health department's plan to acquire 50 per cent of beds in private hospitals is not going to be a smooth ride. A meeting on this issue between hospital managements and senior officials of the department was not held as scheduled as representatives of corporate hospitals failed to turn up.

While corporate hospitals are ready to give 50 per cent of beds they sought free hand for Covid treatment offered to people in the rest of the 50 percent beds. The Health department officials, however, were not keen on this and they put a price cap of Rs 4 lakh for treatment done in the remaining 50 per cent beds in control of private hospitals.

This issue was discussed in the last meeting held on Friday and hospital managements sought time till Monday to discuss with other members on this before arriving at a final decision. It looks like there was no consensus arrived between the corporate hospitals and hence they did not come for talks as planned.


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