Hyderabad: Private medics want Covid warrior shield

Update: 2020-05-25 00:34 IST
Private medics want Covid warrior shield

Hyderabad: Even though the Telangana government has given green signal for resumption of services in 3,000-odd private hospitals across the State by following slew of safety measures in this corona pandemic, doctors and medical staff who are on rolls in these facilities are having serious health concerns and worries over well-being of their family members.


Nearly 15,000 staff from all categories, including doctors, nurses, paramedical staff, technicians, patient care and sanitation wings work in these hospitals.

Treating any person visiting any of these hospitals has risks associated with it as no one is sure whether that person is not infected with the virus as he or she could act as asymptomatic carrier and can infect healthcare staff who treat them.

In such a scenario, hospital managements and staff themselves are worried about the risks and consequences associated with extending medical treatment and services to patients. Although government gave its nod, it will take at least a few weeks of time before all hospitals in the state function full-fledged.

"Healthcare staff in private sector have to be brought under the ambit of insurance cover just like what has been announced to government health staff working in Covid hospitals," said Dr V Rakesh, president of Telangana Private Network Hospitals Association.

He pointed out that doctors and medical staff in non-Covid hospitals are also at the risk of getting infected while treating patients, who might test positive later but the damage they can cause to several others should also be considered.

It may be mentioned here that the Centre announced medical insurance cover of Rs 50 lakh per person for all healthcare professionals and workers who are in Covid duties and in the forefront of the fight against the deadly virus.

This insurance cover was announced by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in April and is benefiting nearly 20 lakh medical staff, including doctors, nurses, paramedics and Asha workers dealing with coronavirus outbreak across the country.

Dr Rakesh said that providing insurance cover would ensure doctors and medical staff in private hospitals work without having to worry about their fate and financial issues they may face if found Covid positive.

The private hospital managements have brought the issue to the notice of state Health department and requested it to give a kind consideration on insurance demand that will boost their workforce.

Dr Rakesh pointed out that death rate due to virus is very less and though 15,000 staff are covered not all of them would require the insurance cover.

It would benefit those who get infected while doing their duty and suffer the most healthwise or lose their lives, he said, adding that this decision would not be a burden at all on the government.



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