Hyderabad: State government to build 4 STP's around twin reservoirs

Update: 2023-04-26 01:24 IST

Hyderabad : In order to ensure that no sewage water enter the twin reservoirs, Himayatsagar and Osmansagar, the Telangana government will construct four sewage treatment plants with a capacity of 20 MLD along the reservoirs with Rs 82.23 crore. The State government on Tuesday issued orders sanctioning money for taking up the construction of the sewage treatment plants. There is a prohibition on polluting Industries, major hotels, residential colonies and other establishments that generate pollution in the catchment area of Osmansagar and Himayatsagar reservoirs up to 10 kms from FTL. However, the State government removed restrictions under GO 111 and stated that the dependency on these two reservoirs has been decreased and said that these reservoirs were no longer the source of drinking water supply to Hyderabad.


The government laid conditions that the water quality of these two reservoirs should not be impacted in any manner and all efforts will be initiated by the government to improve water quality of these two reservoirs, which include installation of decentralised Sewerage Treatment Plants (STPs) at various locations, construction of diversion channels for carrying the treated water without letting it into these two reservoirs, maintenance of ground water quality, minimisation of pollution through agricultural surface run-off into these two reservoirs and any other measures as deemed appropriate to ensure the quality of water.

Officials said that the water engaged the services of M/s. NCPE Infrastructure India (P) Limited, Hyderabad, to prepare a comprehensive plan for 'complete abatement of sewage pollution to twin reservoirs by ensuring that the sewage generated in the catchment areas of the reservoirs, including for the projected population for next 30 years was planned for. While, the agency was working out on a plan to contain immediate untreated sewage flow, it has identified the priority proposals for preventing sewage pollution, which was presently happening unabated from the nearby villages at Osmansagar and proposed four Sewerage Treatment Plants, along with associated components costing at Rs 82.23 Crores, which are two STPs each for two reservoirs with capacity of 9 and 11 MLD capacity with associated components of Interception Weir, Conveying Main I&D at a total cost of Rs 39.21 and Rs 43.02 crores respectively.



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