Hyderabad: UoH celebrates World Radio Day

Hyderabad: The University of Hyderabad celebrated World Radio Day on Wednesday at 'Bol Hyderabad 90.4,' the radio station at the Department of Communication.
The students pursuing first and second year of MA Communication organised a variety of programmes. There was also an open house for the campus community and the public to experience radio. Keeping in mind, the theme of this year's World Radio Day, Radio and Diversity, the students invited speakers from different backgrounds to come and share their experience with the radio. For a special programme on inclusive radio, the non-teaching staff of the department were invited. Also, one of the visually impaired students of the university was invited to tell how inclusive he felt while listening to the radio.
Later in the day, Prof. Vinod Pavarala and Prof.Vasuki Belavadi joined for a panel discussion on the issues concerning community radios in India. This was followed by a programme on digital love. Prof. Usha Raman and Prof. Anjali Lal Gupta shared their experiences with the radio. Naveen Sen, the campus radio coordinator, coordinated the whole event. "The radio volunteers and RJ's of Bol made World Radio Day with diverse group live shows and made it successful," said Naveen. Students from different departments visited the radio station. They tried their hands on speaking live, pre-recorded singing, editing and so on. For most of them, it was their first experience.