Mahabubnagar: Collector S Venkat Rao alerts officials on rain havoc

Update: 2022-07-09 23:24 IST

Collector S Venkat Rao alerts officials on rain havoc

Mahabubnagar: District collector S Venkat Rao, alerted the officials of various departments including revenue, panchayatraj, health, municipal and Engineerning deparments to be alert and attend any kind of issues that is related to rains, drains, road damage or submergence of houses due to heavy incessant rains that are battering the district since past 3 days.


While taking part in a video conference with the officials of various departments at his chambers in the district Collectorate, the district Collector instructed the officials to each and every minute call by the people to address issues pertaining to rains in the district.

"We have directed and gave clear instructions to the officials of revenue, panchayat and municipal administrations to take appropriate measures to prevent water from entering the low-lying areas. We have asked the officials to take early precautionary measures to mitigate possibilities of water logging in low lying areas and also asked them to evacuate the people and keep them in safe places if there is any danger of flooding of houses in low lying areas. We have also informed the municipal authorities to identify the houses which are already damaged and having cracks and evacuate people from such houses and put them in the safe places, so as to avoid any kind of loss of life due to house collapse caused by heavy rains," said the Collector.

As rivulets, ponds, and lake bunds are full and in some areas overflowing, the collector urged the revenue authorities and engineering authorities to continuously keep a vigil and not let people go near such places and instructed them to erect barbed wire fences to prevent anyone from crossing over the overflowing bridges.

Mission Bhagiratha officials were told to be vigilant and constantly check the quality of water being supplied to the public and were directed to take all necessary measures to prevent contamination of drinking water and pipeline eakages due to rains.

The District Medical and Health Officer were also instructed to be alert along with their staff and asked them to be prepared to deal with any kind health emergency situation as the rains may bring various vector born and contamination related diseases.

The collector particularly asked the officials to focus in rural areas and villages and asked them to create awareness among the rural people not to venture outside during rains as it may lead to possibility of causing harm to their lives.

The collector directed the district panchayat officer (DPO) to hold a video conference with the Mandal Parishad Officals and Mandal Parishad Development Officers immediately to make the people of the villages aware of the rains. The collector also instructed to the Tehsildars and MPDOs of all mandal headquarters in the district to be vigilant and provide advance information about the rains and any kind of situation to him and take all necessary precautionary measures to avoid any loss of life.

Later, the District Collector along with Mahabubnagar Superintendent of Police R Venkateshwarlu and RDO reviewed the situation in the district and took stock of measures taken to mitigate damage that may caused to the people in the district due to heavy rains.

The Collector directed the police to fully coopoerate and work in coordination with engineering, irrigation, panchayat raj and R&B etc and asked them to take measures to avoid any kind of untoward incidents due to rains. 



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