Osmania University announces results for degree and LLB revaluation

Update: 2019-04-24 11:05 IST

The Osmania University announced the revaluation results of degree courses -- Bachelor of Science (BSc), Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and Bachelor of Arts (BBA) on its official website on Tuesday. The varsity along with degree revaluation also released the revaluation of LLB results.

The exams for the degree courses were held in November 2018 while the LLB exams were conducted in January and February 2019.

How to check the Osmania University results 2018?

Log on to the official site of Osmania University -- osmania.ac.in

Click on Osmania University Result 2018

Choose the respective course

Enter the roll number and date of birth

Download the results displayed on the screen


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