Prestigious grant for University of Hyderabad faculty
Start-up Launcher Programme at UoH
Hyderabad: Prof. Ramesh Mishra, Head, Centre for Neural and Cognitive Sciences, School of Medical Sciences at University of Hyderabad (UoH), has received the Erasmus Plus International Credit Mobility grant for 2020 - 2023 with Prof. Niels Schiller, Leiden University, Netherlands.
This bilateral international grant of 24,000 euros provides an opportunity for both students and faculty to visit each other's labs for training and enhancing knowledge. There will be full financial support for mobility and other activities for the duration of the program.
Prof. Schiller is the Academic Director at Leiden University Centre of Linguistics (LUCL) and has made seminal contributions to the psycholinguistics of speech production.
Prof Mishra has published widely in psycholinguistics, cognitive psychology and allied disciplines using primarily eye-tracking and behavioural methods.
Prof Mishra and Prof Schiller have earlier received the Duo-India Professor fellowship award to carry out collaborative research in bilingualism in the international context. The current grant focuses on enhancing technical capabilities in each others' research groups. It opens the possibility for more international collaboration between the University of Hyderabad (Institute of Eminence) and Leiden University, one of the top research universities in the world.