SCR to run special trains
Update: 2024-03-13 08:19 IST
Special train between Coimbatore & Barauni
Hyderabad: To clear the extra rush of passengers, Indian Railway will run special trains between Muzaffarpur – Secunderabad – Muzaffarpur.
Train no 05271 (Muzaffarpur-Secunderabad) will depart from Muzzaffarpur at 3.30 pm and arrive in Secunderabad at 7 pm on the next day. The dates of the journey are March 19, 26, and April 2. Train no 05294 (Secunderabad-Muzaffarpur) will depart from Secunderabad at 10 am and arrive in Muzaffarpur at 9 pm. The dates of the journey are March 21, 28, and April 4.