Secunderabad cantonment MLA tours bastis in Annanagar, learns about problems

Update: 2024-06-25 15:37 IST

During a recent Basti tour in Annanagar under Cantonment Constituency, Cantonment Legislator Mr. Ganesh paid a visit to understand the concerns of the local residents. It was brought to his attention that the village is facing significant challenges with drainage, water supply, and street lights.

Speaking to Congress leaders and other local officials during the visit, Mr. Ganesh was briefed on the urgent need for action to address these issues. The residents emphasized that the lack of proper drainage systems is causing inconvenience and health hazards, while the water problem is affecting their daily lives. Additionally, the insufficient street lighting is posing a safety risk for the community.


In response to the concerns raised by the residents, Mr. Ganesh assured them that immediate action will be taken to resolve these issues. He urged the local authorities to prioritize the implementation of solutions to improve the living conditions in Annanagar.

The visit highlighted the pressing need for infrastructure development and maintenance in the village, and underscored the importance of responsive governance in addressing the needs of the community.Residents expressed their gratitude for the visit and hoped that their concerns would be addressed promptly to improve their quality of life.



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