Telangana: Junior Doctors Continue Their Strike On The Second Day

Update: 2021-05-27 13:31 IST

 Junior Doctors Continue Their Strike On The Second Day

The strike of junior doctors seeking a solution to their long-pending problems in Telangana has reached the second day. Emergency services will also be shut down from today. Junior Doctors continued their talks with the DME until Wednesday night.

However, the strike continued for a second day after the talks failed. It is learned that CM KCR was serious about the strike and asked them to join the duties immediately. But they made it clear that they would join their duties if the government guarantees that their demands will be fulfilled and that too with a written assurance. Junior Doctor's talks with DME will also continue once again today.


Earlier the union announced that the strike by junior doctors would continue. However, the doctors claimed that they had not received any assurances from the government. Going into full details, junior doctors held talks with DME Ramesh Reddy on Wednesday. However, junior doctors announced that the strike would continue as usual from tomorrow. They are adamant that they will take up their duties only after receiving a written assurance from the government. After the talks, the junior doctors spoke to the media and said that they were planning to boycott the emergency services too.

It is learned that many issues came up for discussion during the discussions with Ramesh Reddy. Negotiations were unsuccessful as some of them opposed. The DME said there was no point in giving beds to infected medical staff in NIMS. He said 10 percent Covid-19 incentives could not be given. He said he would give a 10 percent hike from January or 15% from this month. Junior Doctors, however, said that they thought to quit the strike after seeing Minister KTR's tweet but DME had not proper assurances. We have made it clear that we are continuing our strike for the time being.

Patients are facing problems with the strike. Especially in OP services, they faced severe difficulties. The strike had an impact on medical services despite the government setting up an alternative. Medical services were disrupted, especially at Gandhi, TIMS, Osmania, Nilofar, Sarojini Devi, and other hospitals in Hyderabad. The Covid-19 and Black Fungus patients at Gandhi Hospital faced difficulties in getting their daily services.



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