TPCC revamp on back-burner

Update: 2019-05-26 01:31 IST

Hyderabad: The revamp of Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC) may be delayed due to a change in the political scenario of the country. The All India Congress Committee (AICC) needs some time to assess the changed scenario.

The State Congress leaders expected that the party would form government, or a front supported by it would form the government at the Centre and the AICC would change the State leadership as it has failed to achieve any political success in the past five years.


The change of the guard in the State has been widely speculated as the Congress lost the previous Assembly elections here. The expectations that the party would win at least one seat in the Parliament elections were none.

However, to the surprise of many, the Congress put up a good show in the Parliament elections as it has won three seats and lost two narrowly. If the Congress had won the two seats also, the story would have been different.

The Telangana Congress has done well than the party units of other States. The party did not win at least one seat in as many as 18 States. It was able to win only one seat in Karnataka where it was in power.

Even in other Congress ruled States the party fared poorly.

According to State Congress leaders, the AICC has to make lot of introspection before taking any steps to rebuild the party. Former leader of Congress Legislature Party in Assembly K Jana Reddy said that the party structure has suffered badly.

He said that base of the party has become weak and the party has to reinvent itself. In other words, he said that the party has to check its connection with the people and the cadre.

The party leaders said that as the organisation requires an overhaul in the entire country, the AICC may not make any changes immediately in the State unit. It may continue with the present leadership for some more time or till the AICC is revamped.

If the AICC is revamped along with the Working Committee and few seniors of the State party are admitted into them, the positions in the State Congress would fall vacant.

The leaders pointed out that after Rahul Gandhi has taken over and made appointments at the national level no leader from the State has been given the general secretary post.

Only two leaders have been given secretary posts in the AICC under Rahul regime.

Even though the high command looked down at them, the party seniors worked hard and achieved successes for the party in the State. The AICC may take these issues into notice and may elevate some leaders of the State.



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