Vietnamese monks visit Buddhavanam
Vietnamese Buddhists during their visit to Buddhavanam on Wednesday
Nagarjuna Sagar: Ven Thich Minh Thong, the chief Abbot of Hue Ngheem Sangha of Vietnam, during his visit to Buddhavanam, a Buddhist Heritage Theme park developed by Telangana Tourism at Nagarjuna Sagar said that with all its unique features of Buddhist culture bears lot of potential to draw international Buddhists.
Ven Thong accompanied by 90 Buddhist monks and 30 nuns on was received by K Sudhan Reddy and Kranti Babu. Dr E Sivanagi Reddy, Buddhist Expert Consultant, Buddhavanam, briefed the delegation on the history of the project, various segments viz., Entrance plaza, Buddhacharita Vanam with Buddha Pada, Jataka park, Meditation park with Sri Lanka Buddha Statue, Stupa park with 4 Indian and 9 South East Asian Stupas and Maha Stupas built in Amaravathi style embellished with Buddhist sculptural panels to Buddhist Monks and nuns. They chanted prayers at the Buddha Pada and the Buddha images at the central stupa inside the Maha Stupa and Acharya Nagarjuna statue. Later on, the monks and nuns took a boat ride and visited Nagarjunakonda Museum and revived Buddhist structures.