Big Little Lies Season 02 Episode 02 Review

Update: 2019-07-25 11:11 IST

The second episode gets better. Yes, the story seems like it is moving as we get Mary Louise character really planting the seeds for all of us to understand the end goal of the show. It cannot always be a show showing some random women's lives to us on TV. It needs to have arcs for the characters and a big story arc that takes them there.

We see Mary Louise being the threat that all of them have to work on and their trauma gets a bit more centrestage than just the glossy lifestyle of few. Kathryn Newton as Abigail is good in this episode and the decision she makes forces us to know more about Madeline too. But their drama is also let to be slightly superficial. We don't seem to completely get it and that is again problem with writing.


You don't want people to just yell at each other and then give us some exposition. You want them to act as their characters and know what we need to know through them more as characters than yelling something. The bond that we see they shared in the first season suddenly shifts tone and that is the problem.

Zoe Kravitz might be trying to playing a person who is withdrawing from everything but she goes extra silent and extra moody to even want to know about her more. Her trauma is understandable as a character but the actress seems to have been asked to play it as a person who is too cold to even think that a normal life is possible. We get it but if there are no sequences of her even trying to come out of it, then we are all lost.

Meryl Streep pushing Nicole Kidman as character and actor is a major plus till now but rest all seems to be coming out of the B-plan scripts being executed than the best possible ones. 



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