Big Little Lies Season 02 Episode 07 Review

Update: 2019-07-31 09:27 IST
Big Little Lies Season 02 Episode 07 Review
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The season has finally come to an end and hopefully the series too. The story just doesn't need any new additions or prolonging. Meryl Streep again just handles everything together when she is given the chance. All other plotlines just seem to go where they were supposed to by episode 03 or 04.

It feels like the lengthy bore as come to an end with some firecrackers here and there. The best possible scenes from each episode belong to Mary Louise even though at times they get really theatrical. The theatrics and antics would have been complimented much better had the writing come to the party.

It just feels like no one wanted to go anywhere but still wanted something strong to be said out loud. The weirdness of situations isn't dealt with properly and we get them all going to the end point saying that they had enough with lies.

The season could have been a value addition to what season one accomplished but it feels like an unnecessary elongation to what we all know going to be the resolution. This seems like a big deal for the creators as they self indulge more and more into moments that needed just a passing mention in this show than a big plotline dedicated to them.

Show seems to be going for exposing something and then it tries to humanise something else. It just doesn't really get to the point it wants to make and that suffocates us. It just feels like an unique primise has been wasted by dragging it out long enough. 


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