Stranger Things Season 03 Episode 05 Review

Update: 2019-07-15 09:41 IST

Uta Brieswitz finally gives the momentum that the season needed. We have been given much comedy to embrace all the while till this one, but this one delivers. It delivers on all aspects and gives the season all needed iconic moments too.

The characters seem to have grown on us so much that even the silliest of joke crack us up and this season has been banking on such details more and more. Russian subplot though gets a bit too cheesy and that seems a bit too much of a drag too.


The first season had more momentum building into each episode exploring characters but this season, some decisions look brilliant but some look bad. There should have been a better correlation between comedy and character growth. It doesn't feel out of the place but it just drags on at places.

The monster gaining the momentum and towards the end, a tease towards what it is building up serves well. But the problem is that only one character, Eleven seems to be doing the heavy lifting all the time and that makes other characters a bit redundant. In first season, that wasn't the case and hope makers go in that direction more than they did here.

To state the obvious, the way they dealt the suspense in the final moments is awesome. They paced it better anEpisoded the episode intrigues us to go for the next one immediately. First solid one for the season. 



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