BR Ambedkar statue unveiled in Nellore Rural constituency

BR Ambedkar statue unveiled in  Nellore Rural constituency

In a small village called Sajjapuram, located in the Nellore Rural Constituency of India, a grand event took place recently.

In a small village called Sajjapuram, located in the Nellore Rural Constituency of India, a grand event took place recently. The leaders of the Telugu Desam Party, Kotamreddy Giridhar Reddy and Jenni Ramanaiah, unveiled a statue of one of the most important figures in Indian history – Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, the creator of the Constitution of India.

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar played a crucial role in shaping the Indian Constitution after the country gained independence. His constitution brought about significant changes, particularly for the welfare of the marginalized and weaker sections of society. Despite the challenges faced in today's political climate, Ambedkar's constitution continues to provide a sense of security and protection for all citizens.

The unveiling of the statue of Babasaheb Ambedkar in Sajjapuram village was met with immense joy and enthusiasm. The event was attended by several prominent individuals, including Telugu Desam Party State Secretary Jenni Ramanaiah. It was a momentous occasion for the village and a testament to the impact that Ambedkar's work has had on the lives of people across India.

Not only has Ambedkar's constitution had a profound impact on the nation as a whole, but it has also influenced various states within India. Telugu Desam Party State Secretary Jenni Ramanaiah expressed that if the constitution written by Babasaheb Ambedkar is followed in all states, it would ensure proper governance and prosperity. Furthermore, he stated that Raja Reddy's constitution would be implemented in Andhra state after Jagan Mohan Reddy becomes the chief minister.

The event was attended by a diverse group of individuals, including Mandal convener Pamujula Pradeep, Parliamentary TDP Media Coordinator Jaladanki Sudhakar, Sajjapuram village elders, Telugu Desam Party leaders, activists, and a large number of women. The presence of such a varied crowd demonstrates the widespread admiration and respect for Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and his invaluable contributions to the nation.

The unveiling of the statue in Sajjapuram village serves as a reminder of the immense impact that Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar's constitution continues to have on the lives of Indians. It is a symbol of hope, progress, and equality for all citizens.

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