Centre to shift CBSE CoE to Chennai from Kakinada

Centre to shift CBSE CoE to Chennai from Kakinada

Centre to shift CBSE CoE to Chennai from Kakinada


The Centre has decided to shift the CBSE Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Teachers which was opened in Kakinada on February 23, 2014 to Chennai. This centre was conducting 20 classes every month for a batch of 50 teachers covering nearly 1,000 teachers from both AP and Telangana to raise the standards of teaching

Amaravati: The Centre has decided to shift the CBSE Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Teachers which was opened in Kakinada on February 23, 2014 to Chennai. This centre was conducting 20 classes every month for a batch of 50 teachers covering nearly 1,000 teachers from both AP and Telangana to raise the standards of teaching.

The reason for the move to shift the CoE is said to be lack of air connectivity to Kakinada.

Reacting to the proposal, minister for education A Suresh wrote a letter to Union minister of education Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank explaining the reforms brought to improve education sector in the state. He said AP played a key role in finalising the National Education Policy 2020.

Referring to CBSE authorities' decision to shift the CoE, the minister said that AP government took a policy decision to introduce CBSE in all schools from the academic year 2021-22.

He said as part of the move the officials met the CBSE authorities in New Delhi and discussed the modalities and procedures and sought their cooperation.

The minister said at this juncture the shifting of CoE from Kakinada will upset and hamper the efforts to introduce CBSE in all schools in the state.

The minister requested the Union minister to cancel the orders of shifting the CoE by giving necessary instructions to CBSE authorities.

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