Cry to stop products loaded with harmful chemicals

Cry to stop products loaded with harmful chemicals

Cry to stop products loaded with harmful chemicals


Are you using products like hand sanitisers, lipsticks, sun- screen lotions, aftershave lotions? Then check the list of ingredients before you buy them, is the advice from the doctors and experts.

Hyderabad / Visakhapatnam: Are you using products like hand sanitisers, lipsticks, sun- screen lotions, aftershave lotions? Then check the list of ingredients before you buy them, is the advice from the doctors and experts.

This issue gained importance following the reports from the US that Procter and Gamble had recalled aerosol dry shampoos and conditioner spray products. Doctors and the general public feel that the Indian Government should also go in for testing of such products.

Some youngsters who have been using popular shampoos like Head and Shoulders, Dove and other brands told The Hans India that the news is certainly a matter of concern and the Government should clarify whether these products are safe or not and what is the percentage of harmful chemicals present in these products. Some of them said they had already discarded the shampoos they were using and have opted for organic shampoos.

A few of them even searched on the internet for more information and said that they found that in July 2021 Johnson & Johnson in the US issued a voluntary recall for some of the company's sunscreen sprays for internal testing out of "an abundance caution". Meanwhile, doctors here suggest that hand sanitisers be used only when it is inevitable.

"To keep your hands clean, prefer washing them in running water with soap for at least 20 seconds," they said. Experts warn that the benzene finds its presence not only in haircare products such as shampoos and conditioners but also in hair dye and other such products. It is learnt that portions of benzene derivatives are used as a solvent and intermediary compound to make some products, including rubber gloves.

Hence, Dr Raghunadha Rao, chief medical oncologist KIMS Icon Hospital in Visakhapatnam, said it is better to check the list of ingredients of the products before bringing them home. "As far as hair dye is concerned, the darker the hair gets, the greater would be the content of chemicals which could cause cancer," he said.

Keeping the risk factors in view, experts lay emphasis on refraining from using such chemical-laden products and go for alternatives instead. "It is always better to shift to organic alternatives. But even in this case one needs to check the authenticity," cautions Suman Das, senior consultant radiation oncologist, Apollo Cancer Centre Vizag.

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