Panyam MLA Katasani Rambhupal Reddy to break the ground for development works

Panyam MLA Katasani Rambhupal Reddy to break the ground for development works

YSR Congress Party leaders, activists, media friends, social media members, and concerned government officials are invited to attend the Bhoomi Puja...

YSR Congress Party leaders, activists, media friends, social media members, and concerned government officials are invited to attend the Bhoomi Puja for the construction of the BT road to 100 feet road opposite Omega Hospital in Ward 20, under Panyam Constituency, Kurnool Municipal, will commence under the leadership of Panyam MLA Mr. Katasani Ramabhupal Reddy,

YSR Congress Party leaders, activists, media friends, social media members, and concerned government officials to participate in this event and contribute to its success. Your presence and support will greatly inspire and encourage us as we embark on this important project.

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