Six gates of Srisailam project lifted as inflows to the reservoir continue

Srisailam project

Srisailam project


The flood water continues to the Srisailam project resulting in the lifting of 6 gates by 10 feet and releasing water downstream.

The flood water continues to the Srisailam project resulting in the lifting of 6 gates by 10 feet and releasing water downstream. The project reported as much as 2,80,348 cusecs of inflow is coming to this reservoir while 2,27,325 cusecs of water are being released downstream. Against the full water level of project 885 feet, currently, it is filled up to 884.90 feet filling the water of 215.3263 TMC out of a total 215.8070 TMC.

The heavy rains in the upper reaches continue, and the flood to the Somasiila Reservoir continues. 60,453 cusecs of water were released downstream through six crest gates as the project in-flow was recorded as 42,213 cusecs. The full water capacity of Somashila is 77.9 TMC while the current water storage is 69.1 TMC.

On the other hand, 13 gates of the Sunkesula reservoir in Kurnool are lifted and the authorities are releasing water downstream. The inflow of Sunkesula is 54,087 cusecs while the outflow continues to be 52,832 cusecs.

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