Srikakulam: Non-execution of works poses challenge for water supply to crops

Srikakulam: Non-execution of works poses challenge for water supply to crops
A canal covered with silt and weeds at Thotada village which is supplying water to several villages in Amudalavalasa mandal in Srikakulam district

♦ Works like desilting, bund strengthening, filling of breaches, shutters installation, weed clearance and other related works pertaining to canals and other projects have been postponed due to reverse tendering, local body elections and subsequently the outbreak of Covid-19 ♦ Summer season suitable for execution of works ♦ Difficult to execute the works after the monsoon starts

Srikakulam: The farmers in Srikakulam district are unlikely to get sufficient water for the coming kharif season crops. This year even the minor works and repairs of projects and canals were not proposed which may hinder the flow of irrigation water to the tail-end lands.

Normally works like desilting, bund strengthening, filling of breaches, shutters installation, weed clearance and other related works are proposed every year during February. But this year no works were taken up in February in the wake of reverse tendering process adopted by the government for irrigation projects.

Subsequently, during March this year the process for local bodies' elections was initiated. Unfortunately, coronavirus scare started a month ago. Due to all the above three reasons, no proposals were made for the execution of irrigation project works, main canals, minor canals, distributaries and sub-minor canals works.

In Srikakulam district, cultivation is being taken up in six lakh acres during every kharif season and paddy is the main crop. As per Agriculture Department officials' estimates, 4.75 lakh farmers directly and another 1.50 lakh farmers indirectly are depending on the cultivation in the district.

In the district, Vamsadhara, Thotapalli old and new canal systems, Madduvalasa and Narayanapuram are the main irrigation projects. In addition to these major and medium projects, several other minor irrigation projects are also working in the district. Total ayacut under all these major, medium and minor irrigation projects is six lakh acres.

Due to prevailing conditions, at least preparation and listing out of required works is possible till the first week of May, Superintendent Engineer (SE) of Vamsadhara Project, P Ranga Rao opined. Preparation of estimates, calling for tenders is also time-consuming process, another engineer of Madduvalasa project explained.

Mobilisation of material, workers and machinery will not be possible before monsoon. Every year rains are likely to start through South-West monsoon in the first week of June and Indian Meteorology Department (IMD) also predicted early and sufficient rains this year.

Considering these factors, the irrigation officials opined that the works may not take place this year.

By considering all these reasons we came to conclusion that works may not be possible this year, said the officials of irrigation department. Water supply would be difficult for crops in the coming kharif season, farmers' union leader Budithi Appala Naidu opined.

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