what should govt do with rushikonda palace ?

what should govt do with rushikonda palace ?

The opulence of palace on Rushikonda, said to be intended for the residence of former chief minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy shocked not only the people of the state but also the nation.

The opulence of palace on Rushikonda, said to be intended for the residence of former chief minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy shocked not only the people of the state but also the nation. How justified was the previous govt in splurging public money for luxury of a ‘servant of the poor’? A cross section of The Hans India readers express their views.

Rushikonda has a historical significance as our ancient sages were said to have lived there. Such a sacred place and natural beauty were completely destroyed in the name of a luxury palace. The days of kings and kingdoms have gone and now we are living in a democracy. Those who said a cent land is enough for the poor man, wanted to have even bigger bathroom and such leaders can be called destroyers.

- Jyothi Sambaiah Palyam, housewife, Chittoor

Undoub tedly, the previous YSRCP govern ment’s idea of spending a huge sum of Rs 500 crore for a lavish palace just for the sake of Jagan’s residence was not at all acceptable. If it has to be rented to tourists now, the rent amount should be not less than Rs 1 lakh per day given the Rs 13 lakh commode, Rs 25 lakh bath tub, Rs 1 crore bed etc., The Rs 500 crore spent on that palace is totally waste.

- K Jyotshna, housewife, Tirupati

The YSRCP was still trying to mislead the people about the mega palace on Rushikonda in Visakha patnam. Beyond any doubt, it was built for YS Jagan Mohan Reddy’s residential purpose on the strong assumption that he will win again. As that did not happen, the YSRCP leaders are trying to obfuscate the fact that they wasted Rs 500 crore of public money in the name of the palace. All that was the public money which was unnecessarily spent.

- M Krishna Murthy, senior citizen, Tirupati

Violating environmental norms, the Rushikonda project was constructed in a discreet manner. What turns out to be shocking is the way the project was kept secretive right from the beginning of its construction till its inaugural and thereafter. In the pretext of a tourism project, the CMO was built investing crores utilising public money. Demolishing the existing tourism project and bringing in a palace in its place did not go down well among the public. What is the need to spend crores on curtains, chandeliers, commodes and bathtub for the project?

- T Satish Kumar, businessman, Visakhapatnam

Rushikonda, which means the abode of rushis (sages) is a famous tourist spot in Visakha patnam. Instead of developing it, the previous government had destroyed it. If it was developed, several tourists, national and international, would have visited the spot providing employment to the people besides earning revenue to the state. The Rs 500 crore palace could have been constructed at some other place. Every single paise invested on the palace is people’s money, but it was spent for the former chief minister’s luxuries only. The lavish bathtubs and commodes costing Rs 13 and Rs 34 lakh, are an affront to the people of Andhra Pradesh.

- Andala Meena, (final year law student), resident of Panchalingala village, Kurnool district

Spending crores of rupees on bathrooms and toilets is nothing but wasting public money. The government should be the custodian of people’s money. It should not spend as per its wish. We should question such decisions and made the leaders accountable to the society. Whatever excuses might be offered by YSRCP, splurging public money for such a lavish building is not required for Visakhapatnam.

- V Dali Naidu Lecturer, Parvathipuram

Politicians should be punished for their wrongdoings and misuse of office. Construction of a palace at Rushikonda in Visakhapatnam is utterly wrong and the government should collect the cost from the former CM Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy with interest. Existing laws are not suitable for punishing political corruption and misuse of funds. If Rushikonda was developed as a tourist spot, it could be a source of income to the government. Construction of a palace at a cost of Rs 500 crore is proving that the political leaders are feeling that they are masters, not servants of people. But trying to establish himself as leaders of the poor is highly ironical. People should rebel against such leaders and deeds. Every political leader and people’s representative is looting public money and natural resources rampantly; it can be curtailed only with stringent laws.

- M Appaji, business, Srikakulam

Andhra Pradesh is financially in a bad shape. The focus should be spending money on projects which are useful for the general public rather than for benefitting the state’s Chief Minister who claims himself as a leader for the poor. Replacing the existing resort which was generating revenue with Jagan’s paradise is not appreciable. The new alliance government should take all necessary measures not to take such mean decisions.

- B S Rao, entrepreneur, Visakhapatnam.

There is absolutely no requirement to establish government buildings in such a lavish manner. If the same amount of money was spent for the benefit of the public, the project would have been much welcomed. Going by its dimensions and lavishness, the Rs.500 crore Rushikonda project appears to be established for the private purpose rather than any tourism initiative as presented by the YSRCP leaders.

- Emandi Pydi Raju, school teacher, Visakhapatnam

The need to build such a posh palace on Rushikonda investing Rs 500 crore is uncalled for. Since it has been constructed by the YSRCP, the buildings should be utilised to suit the needs of the public. It is not appropriate to violate norms and build the palace at Rushikonda which is one of the most frequented tourist spots. It is unbelievable to know that by claiming a poor man’s leader, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy had built a paradise for himself by using public money.

- P S V N Gopal, employee of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant.

Jagan might have thought out of the box to beautify the Rushikonda. There are several tourist places like RK Beach, Yarada beach, Simhachalam. Rushikonda is one among them. Almost all places in Visakhapatnam are tourist places. He has completely destroyed the Rushikonda. Constructing bungalows and creating lavish amenities is a foolish act.

Who need those lavish bathtubs and commodes? He might have created a property but who is going to enjoy it? Is poor allowed to bath in the tub? It is just a waste of public money. Instead of this palace, people of all sections would have visited and the government would have earned revenue if Rushikonda was developed as tourist spot.

- Kumar Reddypogu, DSC 98 qualified teacher, Sathyanarayana Colony, Kurnool

It is unfortunate for people of India and AP to elect such leaders as our representatives. Construction of a palace with public money at Rushikonda for purely private purpose of former CM Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy must be condemned by all and he should be punished and needed to be forced to pay. Then only democracy will prevail, otherwise this kind of negligent attitude among public representatives may increase in future. Such leaders don’t have any moral right to tell people that they are ‘elder son’ of the house and ‘elder brother’ of poor women, etc., which are absolute lies. People need to avoid electing such leaders since they are coming to power only to exploit public money and natural resources. One should be aware that every rupee spent by the government is public money and no leader and representative is coming forward to spend from his pocket for public purposes.

- P Sandhya Rani, housewife, Srikakulam Sathyanarayana Colony, Kurnool

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