‘Will provide positive governance to people’

‘Will provide positive governance to people’

  • Minister for agriculture Atchannaidu says there will be no acts of revenge against anyone, including political leaders and cadres
  • States that people will note the difference in the administration compared to the previous govt

Srikakulam : Minster for agriculture, animal husbandry, cooperation and fisheries Kinjarapu Atchannaidu made it clear that there will be no harassment of anyone, including leaders or cadres of political parties or officials. He said their government will provide positive governance and create a peaceful atmosphere in the state which is a precondition for the economic growth. In an interview with The Hans India, the shared the priorities of the TDP-led alliance government in the state.

Q: What kind of governance can be expected from the alliance government in the state?

A: TDP-led alliance government will provide positive governance in the state and people will recognise the difference soon when compare with the YSRCP rule. No question of harassment of anyone or any party leader or cadre. We forgot the politics after elections and are now concentrating on creating a peaceful atmosphere in the state which is essential for growth of the society. We are looking for construction not destruction.

Q: What is your plan of action for improvement of agriculture and allied sectors?

A: For the past five years, no constructive works have been taken up by the YSRCP government as a result of which agriculture and allied sectors like irrigation projects, water supply systems have been damaged. We are going to revamp the system first which will start soon with the supply of seed to farmers. We will review status of canals and desilting activities which will be taken up at a brisk pace as the rainy season has started. Irrigation projects like Vamsadhara, Narayanapuram, Off-Shore in the district need to be completed and we will work on the same to complete works and to supply water to tail-end areas.

Q: Any major shuffle of officials is expected in various departments in the district?

A: I have no such idea to shift the officials and staff to other places and get new faces, in my opinion it will not serve purpose. I am thinking to get good yields from the existing officials of various departments by explaining the priorities of the government. I will follow up issues with the officials round the clock, for example yester night I have inquired about bad state of Srikakulam to Amadalavalasa road which is busy road in the district. Due to negligence of previous government 30 persons died in different accidents on the busy road.

Q: Will there any inquiries into various alleged irregularities in land acquisition for projects and housing scheme?

A: No inquiries will be initiated at this stage. It is the state level issue. Currently, we are concentrating on how better serve the people.

Q: What will be your working style as minister this time?

A: Being available to people of my constituency and district round-the-clock is the essence of my style of functioning. I learned it from my elder brother and former Union minister Yerrannaidu and I will be available at my office morning and evening to receive public grievances.

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