New Car Smell is Not Good for Health-It is both, Toxic and Harmful

New Car Smell is Not Good for Health-It is both, Toxic and Harmful

New Car Smell is Not Good for Health-It is both, Toxic and Harmful


Most of the time, car enthusiasts when they buy a brand new car, they tend to smell it, they feel the new car smell is exciting as it offers them, some kind of mental satisfaction

Most of the time, car enthusiasts when they buy a brand new car, they tend to smell it, they feel the new car smell is exciting as it offers them, some kind of mental satisfaction. However, the recent studies have revealed, it can be toxic as well as harmful to humans.

Why new car smells?

In the new car, the smell is due to different chemicals used in making the fabrics, foams, solvents, rubbers, adhesives and plastics. The above substances have volatile organic compounds or VOC's; they are considered to be deadly in sufficient quantity.


Aalekhya Reddam and David C Volz belonging to California University, Riverside have stated that new car smell is result of off-gassing. If you are wondering, what is off-gassing?. Off-gassing is released and escape of material which were previously absorbed in varied bits, which are used to make the car. Even the heat produced from the sun, can speed up the chemical reaction.

The US Environmental Protection Agency has stated that off-gassing from car material can lead to reproductive impacts, hormonal disruption, damage to the kidney, central nervous system as well as damage to liver or it may also lead to cancer. If they are exposure is a long time, it is more worrying

Harmful chemicals

The new car smell has harmful chemical such as ethyl benzene, formaldehyde and toluene. These chemicals you might also find them in the label of nail polish remover, paint, glue and correction pen. The new car smell causes headaches, allergies, dizziness, and headaches. It also increases the risk of cancer.

..How you can remain safe?

• The new car owners must park their brand new car in a shady place and keep the new car windows open, when you do this, car interiors will get well ventilated. The above step ensures, all harmful smell goes out of the cabin and you do not inhale the smell.

• If you live in a nation, where the climate is pretty hot, do not sit immediately in the car. You must open the windows as well as doors before you enter the car, as this would help the harmful gas to go out of the cabin.

• Make sure, you do not park your new car under the direct sun, if you do this, the cabin will heat up due to sunshine. To minimize the heat buildup in your car cabin, you can use solar shade or sun shade.

• All those who are planning to buy brand new car, you must take an extended test drive. You must observe as to whether you are experiencing any symptoms of new car smell.

• Experts advise the best thing the new buyers must do is, minimize the exposure to car interiors.

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