The Most Important Aspect Of A Successful Retargeting Ad Campaign – Timing

The Most Important Aspect Of A Successful Retargeting Ad Campaign – Timing

We like to joke about timing: "Timing is everything, most of the time". It's not always the most important metric to watch for, but it can be a good...

We like to joke about timing: "Timing is everything, most of the time". It's not always the most important metric to watch for, but it can be a good cost saving measure to take, or an optimization step if you're trying to optimize and narrow your focus a little bit more. Especially as your lists build over time, you'll find that you start to see where your absolute best conversions are coming from. This is a great opportunity to narrow your focus a little bit, narrow the sites that your ads are appearing on, narrow down the time that your ads are appearing, so you can get more bang for your buck. A couple things to look at there are going to be your impressions. Every single person here has experienced this, where you go to a website, and then you start to see their ads all the time, to the point where you see them on every website you visit.

You see their pre-roll ad on YouTube constantly, you see it in your Facebook feed, and it's just overwhelming. A lot of people will make the decision that they don't want to work with that brand because they find it really irritating, it's getting on their nerves by constantly being in their feed. We generally recommend that you want to cap your impressions at about three per day. You may find that increasing your impressions, especially if you have a limited time offer, or a special edition, maybe an event that's coming up, things like that. You will want to increase your impressions, right? Because you're trying to get as much awareness as possible. If you're looking at more of a long-term campaign, this is more of a two, three, four week, two month kind of extended sort of campaign, you want to limit your impressions. There can be too much of a good thing. And this can end up hurting you in the long run. We generally find that three impressions is great. You may find that more or less are even better for you. So feel free to play with that once you have some data to work with. The other thing is keep an eye on how old your ads are. There's nothing more irritated than seeing the exact same ad over and over, unless you're seeing the exact same ad over and over all the time. So that goes back to the limit your impressions. But make sure you update your ads. You can update your ads with new seasonality, which is particularly relevant for selling on aliexpress.

Maybe you're a landscaper, so you want to make sure your ads are updating with the seasons. Spring, summer, fall, winter, some of the lucky states actually have all four of those seasons, so you want to make sure that your ads reflect that. And make sure that you're focused on where your demographic is. You can change ads based on the demographic. You can change your ads based on holidays, but make sure you turn them off and replace them after the holiday. It makes you look really amateur and a little ridiculous if you still have a Christmas ad running, and you're getting into January, February, and things like that. So ensure that your holiday ads are updated, your seasonality ads are updated. Make sure that your sale, if a sale is over you can set all these to pause on the day of sale or the day after the sale, so you don't even have to worry about that. These are automations that you can kind of build into your ad campaigns. So, ensure that as you're building these you're keeping in mind I will have to replace this ad by, give yourself a date. I'm going to extend a date, so you'll have the ads ready, you can swap them out. It just make sure you look like you're really on top of things. Finally, another thing to think about is you can schedule your ads. Maybe you've learned that a lot of people are researching, and they're kind of diving into things on the weekends. So you want to boost your budget on the weekends because that's when they do a lot of their research, they do a lot of their reading, and some of their shopping. But then you find that on Monday when a lot of folks are going back to work, and there's a lot of additional weekend work that's piled up, things like that, you're just not getting the interaction that you normally would. It might make sense to pause your ads on Monday. That gives you some additional daily budget through the rest of the week for dropshipping. That additional budget can then be used during the weekend. And you get more bang for your buck. You're not going to be able to know this exactly when you first start out, and that's okay. Optimizing too soon or trying to make these types of transitions to soon can actually hurt you and hurt your growth. So you want to make sure you've got enough data here to really kind of make a decision. The opposite side of this is that you are constantly waiting for data, and you never make a decision. You've got paralysis by analysis. So, even to an extent as placing a date on your calendar and saying, okay, I'm running these for six weeks, and then I'm reviewing. I'm not looking at it until we get to that point. I'm not changing things unless something dramatic needs to happen until we get to that point. These are all different tools that you can add to your arsenal to get the most value out of this from a low cost per acquisition, but high value channel, so be thinking about these.

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