We’re not waiting for AI’s future to unfold, but we’re actively shaping it: Sridhar Babu

We’re not waiting for AI’s future to unfold, but we’re actively shaping it: Sridhar Babu

The Global AI Summit 2024 is expected to help Hyderabad tap into the $2-trn AI market and propel its IT sector towards a $200-bn industry within the next year, says Telangana IT Minister

“We’re not just predicting the future; we’re actively shaping it.” Telangana’s hosting of the Global AI Summit 2024 and the development of an AI City underscore this vision, aiming to position Telangana at the forefront of the global AI ecosystem, says D Sridhar Babu, Telangana Minister for Information Technology and Industries, in an exclusive interview with The Hans India. “The AI City will be a game-changer,” he adds, noting its potential to foster cutting-edge research and innovation. He also reflects on the State’s strategic efforts to attract investments in emerging technologies, emphasising that Telangana’s role as a tech hub is rapidly expanding. With a clear focus on the future, he outlines how Telangana plans to address challenges in AI ethics and workforce readiness, ensuring sustainable and responsible technological advancement.

How do Telangana’s current technology initiatives reflect a forward-looking strategy for innovation and growth?

As the visionary computer scientist whose innovations in programming and graphical interfaces have shaped modern technology, Alan Kay wisely noted, “the best way to predict the future is to invent it.” This philosophy perfectly encapsulates our approach in Telangana. By hosting the Global AI Summit 2024 and developing the AI City, we are not waiting for the future of AI to unfold; we are actively shaping it. Our commitment to innovation and proactive planning reflects Kay’s belief in taking charge of our technological destiny.

The AI City is a significant part of Telangana’s AI strategy. How will this initiative enhance the State’s role in the global AI ecosystem?

The AI City will play a crucial role in enhancing Telangana’s position in the global AI ecosystem. By providing state-of-the-art research facilities, innovation labs, and startup incubators, the AI City will foster a collaborative environment for AI experts and entrepreneurs. This initiative is aligned with our goal to drive innovation across sectors like finance, healthcare, and manufacturing, reinforcing our role as a global tech hub.

Nasscom’s AI Adoption Index 2.0 highlights a significant growth trajectory for India’s AI market. Telangana is positioning itself to capitalize on this by making strategic investments in AI infrastructure and technologies. Our development of the AI City and the Global AI Summit are key elements in leveraging this growth, aiming to capture a substantial share of the expanding market and drive our economic goals forward.

Given the growing emphasis on digital and emerging technologies across industries, how is Telangana adapting its strategies to attract and nurture investments in these areas?

As businesses increasingly integrate AI into their core strategies, a significant shift is evident: over 70 per cent of companies are now allocating more than 20 per cent of their IT budgets to digital and emerging technologies, as per Nasscom’s AI Adoption Index 2.0. This growing investment highlights AI’s crucial role as a driver of innovation and competitive advantage. Telangana is strategically positioning itself to leverage this momentum effectively.

A pivotal element of Telangana’s strategy is this Global AI Summit 2024 that is expected to serve as a critical milestone in establishing the city’s presence in the global AI landscape. By showcasing its AI capabilities and robust technological ecosystem, the summit aims to help Hyderabad tap into the projected $2 trillion global AI market and propel its IT sector towards a $200 billion industry within the next year.

This Summit builds on the success of a recent delegation trip to the United States, which significantly enhanced Telangana’s investment prospects and global outreach in technology. This international engagement has positioned Telangana as a forward-thinking hub for tech innovation. The summit will further highlight the State’s strengths in emerging technologies such as quantum computing and semiconductors. As substantial investment continues to flow into India’s tech sector, Telangana’s strategic efforts to showcase its capabilities will be crucial in capturing a significant share of this expanding market.

What are the main ethical and regulatory challenges you anticipate in the AI field, and how is Telangana preparing to address these issues at the Global AI Summit?

A key focus of the Global AI Summit 2024 will be on raising awareness and addressing the dual facets of AI - its benefits and its potential risks. The summit will serve as a vital platform for thought leaders, industry experts, and policymakers to engage in comprehensive discussions about the ethical implications and governance of AI technologies.

As AI continues to advance, it brings transformative benefits, such as enhanced predictive analytics in finance and improved diagnostic capabilities in healthcare. However, it also presents challenges, including ethical dilemmas and potential misuse. The summit will spotlight these dual aspects, emphasizing the importance of developing robust policies that balance innovation with responsible oversight.

Ethical considerations will be at the forefront of the discussions. The summit will explore the need for transparent, fair, and accountable AI systems. By addressing issues such as data privacy, bias, and algorithmic transparency, the event will advocate for policies that ensure AI technologies are used ethically and responsibly.

How has the recent delegation trip to the US influenced Telangana’s approach to technology and innovation? What were the key takeaways from this international engagement?

The US delegation trip was pivotal in boosting Telangana’s global profile and investment prospects. It allowed us to showcase our technological advancements and build valuable international partnerships. This engagement has strengthened our position as a forward-thinking tech hub and complements our efforts through the Global AI Summit and the AI City, helping us to attract global investment and drive innovation on a larger scale.

How does Telangana plan to address the evolving challenges and opportunities in the AI sector over the next decade, and what role will the upcoming Global AI Summit play in shaping the State’s future in this field?

As AI technologies become increasingly integrated into various sectors, there is a pressing need to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge required to thrive in this evolving landscape. The summit will explore strategies for enhancing skills development and training programmes to ensure that the workforce is adequately prepared for AI-related roles. By investing in capacity building, Telangana aims to support a seamless transition to an AI-centric economy and foster a skilled talent pool that can drive future innovation.

Through these discussions, Telangana seeks to contribute to a global dialogue on responsible AI use and workforce readiness. By addressing both the ethical implications of AI and the need for a skilled workforce, the summit will help shape a future where technological advancements are aligned with societal values and economic needs.

By embracing Alan Kay’s vision of inventing the future, Telangana is stepping into the spotlight as a global leader in AI innovation. As Hyderabad prepares to host this pivotal event, it not only highlights its emerging role as a global tech hub but also sets a new standard for AI-driven progress and responsible innovation. With a clear vision and strategic investments, Telangana is poised to shape a future where AI not only transforms industries, but also creates lasting value and opportunities on a global scale.

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