International Women's Day 2022 Live Updates:... ... International Women's Day 2022 Live Updates: Women Tech Leaders on "gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow"

International Women's Day 2022 Live Updates: "Women have continuously proved their mettle in the professional world by competing with their men counterparts on equal footing, yet they remain excluded from C-suite opportunities. In sectors like insurance, incumbents have the baggage of legacy recruitment and culture where change will be gradual even if it is enforced at all hierarchies. 21st-century insurtech firms like Toffee, however, are rewriting the new normal by building a new gender-inclusive culture from the ground up.

Women and girls already have disproportionate access to education, healthcare and financial literacy. This eventually carries over to hiring and promotions in the workplace as well. Only when we begin to have inclusive conversations at our home about gender parity, will we be able to achieve parity in the workplace.

The Indian government has a number of gender reforms that need to be advocated by both the private sector and civil society. Company policies must prioritize the recruitment and advancement of female talent at all levels. Companies must also educate their own leaders and host constant conversations on gender inclusivity and related unconscious biases.

At Toffee Insurance, we are proud to have made gender inclusivity a priority at all levels."

Fariha Ansari Javed, Chief Strategy Officer, Toffee Insurance

Fariha Ansari Javed, Chief Strategy Officer, Toffee Insurance

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