Dr Priyanka Goyat, Co-Founder, Rejove Aligners

Women's advancement in the medical technology profession is addressing the crucial and long-overlooked need for improved gender equity within the healthcare industry. More women are pursuing graduate degrees in technology, science, and math (STEM). The development of technologies today gives gender and race more consideration. Women are redefining the health technology sector by creating innovative, individualised healthcare solutions. the use of software that strongly includes artificial intelligence and machine learning. At Rejove, 90% of the employees are women, including healthcare professionals. Every action we take opens the door for more women to follow in our footsteps, encouraging a new generation of women to follow their passions and have a profound effect on the world. At Rejove, we utilise 3D Intraoral scanners, 3D printers, microscopic endodontic treatments, and dolphin software, which predicts surgical outcomes in orthognathic situations”.

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