Sensational!Gioconda Vessichelli opens up about her life journey

Sensational!Gioconda Vessichelli opens up about her life journey

This time we have be lucky to get Gioconda Vessichelli’ s open minded views after a very interesting conversation with her: that s what she has shared with us.

This time we have be lucky to get Gioconda Vessichelli' s open minded views after a very interesting conversation with her: that s what she has shared with us :"During my childhood I always grown up believing that by experience a lot in life, in all its several and multicoloured aspects..and by knowing music and poetry in their deep practicing it everyday, should become like a food or like air...I cant s stay even just a single day without air otherwise i will not able to breathe and to survive, the same happens for s like a plant to which you have to give water, and when you perform and you have such a big background of artistic and life experience in your luggage, people will realize it..that s why the audience for the same song for example if it s song by a mediocre artist doesnt feel anything..if it s sung by a great artist they are deeply moved..and for me it has been Always a great joy and satisfaction when I ve seen tears of joy in the eyes of my audience or enthusiastic standing ovations..this is the best caress for my soul, cause I feel that my mission has been done successfully and I ve brought positive thoughts in the minds and hearts of my s an energetic positive Exchange of emotions between the artist and the audience..and I feel so happy when people come to me after the concerts and they say"Thanks, It has been goose bumps for me, with your voice you have melt my stone heart into honey".

When we asked the sparkling personality singer to tell a bit more about the genesis of her being child prodigy she said candidly :

"My mother used to say that I was borning not crying but singing..since I was a child my favourite game was to be a singer, I had my yellow dress useful for my transformation in a singer and I built my own stage made with chairs! When I was 12 years old I listened to Maria Callas and i felt ipnotized from such a stunning voice!so I started singing not only in a pop way but also in opera voice..I did everything earlier than other children..I was considered a " prodigy child" just 16 years old I started my career (Normally at this age one girl starts studying because the voice tune changes from child voice in adult voice at 16 years old for female and 18 years old for male..but in my case everything happened when I was just 12 years old) and I was the youngest opera soprano working in the theatre with 50 years old collegues !When I was just 21 years old I got 2 degrees from University of music in Rome but thanks to my open mind I never lose my scientific studies and I also got degree in Scientific field. I won Pesaro Rossini Opera Festival after my experience with the best tenor of the world Luciano Pavarotti and after that I sung in Rossini s opera IL VIAGGIO A REIMS.. I had the chance to work with the great conductor Alberto Zedda and I felt from the deepest part of my soul the meaning of what joy is! I felt that my concept about music and life had won..not just me!

We know that Gioconda Has travelled each and every corner of the world and there is no country that she has not yet visited, when we asked her which is her favourite country she replies with a bright light in her eyes : " India!Thanks to India I have changed completely my vision of the world! My coming to India has been a spiritual journey in period of my life in which I was looking for some new sounds and musical atmospheres.. I had just finished to sing a very famous and difficult contemporary opera" Lavinia fuggita" in Modena Opera theatre after working hard with the Worldwide famous tenor opera singer Luciano Pavarotti : that experience lead me to be in the annual book encyclopedia of opera singers and that opera had oriental music influences also, including indian music and instruments,and from that time I started to love so much indian music and I started to open my mind towards indian music special effects and using the quarter of tone that we normally don t use in western music ( cause we just have tone and half tone) so I started thinking that our western music was limited and restricted in comparison to Indian music which have much more shades and nuances. I ve always had in my 20 years of carrer ( as i have been the youngest opera singer ..i started to sing as a prodigy child at the tender age of 14 years old..when my collegues were already 40 years , after singing just opera for such a long time allover the world, I started thinking that it was the time to open my mind towards new sounds completely far from my usual style..and I started to appreciate the Bollywood style…Once I reached in India for the first time I admired the Indian habit to

give a value to every and each single sounds ..that is what I ve Always been used to do since I started in lots of things I feel I ve been an Indian girl from a previous life

.. I ve realised that opera style is very similar to meditation and it improves your inner world and your soul. after spending some days in Osho ashram in Pune I realised that in meditation techniques there are lots of similar things that I already used in singing technique ( like the use of third eye ,the breathing technique to develop sounds etc..)

so in my opera singer life I never finish to learn.. every day it s an opportunity for Improving my voice and my soul, cause I think that these two things now have become the same one thing : there s not a mark between my voice and my voice is my soul and all the times that I make a new discovery In my voice thanks to new sounds, I m making an improvement in my soul too..and in this sense my learning hindi songs has helped me so much cause I have found a new colour of voice and vocal emission and also I have found new things in my I m very grateful to India! I have been loving Indian culture and music since I was a child. I used to join Indian communities festivals in Italy and to watch Bollywood movies. My dream has always been to visit India but I have never had time.. one day I decided that I wanted to have some spare time for myself and to do all the things that I would have done but that I never did because I was always too busy with work. I realised that the music that I have been loving so much for 20 years it was not enough ..I had the desire of mixing it with something else (like masala spices :-)) so I thought that I had to start travelling and achieving musical sounds from very far culture than mine..I have always had the attraction for unesplored and unknown for example I have lived some days in the jungle with some indigenous people and I have learned their particular way of playing drums and celebrating their festivities with tribal dances and music, so I started thinking that I had to do an artistic rebirth in my life and when I was in India for the first time it was just for vacation but some more powerful energy was calling me in India more.and more times and everything has happened so quickly and in a very surprising way..for example I was in a cocktail party and I have met the producers of the movie Prague who wanted me to record a song for his movie..I had to leave India the following day so soon after the cocktail party we went very late in the night to the recording studio and we started recording till early morning and I directly went to airport without sleeping!! I LOVE India with all myself!!! I feel me to have been an Indian girl from a previous fact I feel so comfortable and happy in India! I have realized that I was already having Indian habits in my Italian life that in Italy are seen like something strange instead in India such habits are considered I have found my dimension and my world In this magic land in which everyday there s something imprevedible and a I am a surprise for myself and for other people too ! in India I have found lots of love, the same love that I achieve beyond the genres of music when I think that there s a universal music genre which is THINGS MADE WITH LOVE... I m so happy when I see Indian audience getting enthusiastic..even if it s a musical genre that they have never listened to or even if it s sung in a foreign language.. the language of vibrations and feelings that a voice can create goes further beyond culture barriers.

When I am in India I can live with the same mood of a child...a child when learns to speaks for the first time or when does something for the first time doesn't think so much about what he s doing..he simply does it! I like to stay in the air..maybe because my moon sign is a sign of air like Libra and for this also I like to do bungee jumping or parachutes..when you are almost for jumping you don t think so much about it you simply go and I did for this my Indian musical adventure.. I simply jumped in it, I took all the enthusiasm for being the PIONEER of BollywoOPERA ,a fusion of musical genres italian opera and Bollywood ..I take the energy from my soul which is and forever will remain like a 3 years old child s soul and I started composing and taking inspiration from indian music and combining it with my opera style.

In India I love pure heart of people..they are always smiling even people who are very have a feeling of good energies when you go in the streets it is like a colourfull show is a never sleeping country..whenever you go in the streets you find lots of people even very early morning or very late in the night. India is a very spiritual country with lots of magical surprises and it s like a fantastic game with lots of unsuspected is an imprevedible country and this makes me so happy because it feeds my adventurous spirit.. I travelled all around the world but I can definitely say that this is my favourite country.. people are always trying to help and there s always a music in the street (a wedding, a festival,) or simply an orchestra of noises when you are in the traffic of Mumbai.. and cars plays clacson :-)

another thing that I love so much is the food..very spicy and with a strong soul (like me ..ahahah ;-) even in Italy I always eat Indian food.. i also like Indian dresses and style..Indian people are very elegant people and they always have very delicate behaviours ..they always try to not disappoint the other persons who they are dealing with. India has the most ancient and rich culture of the world..the beautiful monuments that I visited in rajastan, the ganga river( I m supporting the campaign for saving the gange river)..the religion and the way in which different religions, languages are s a masala country! very tasty and well mixed !!:')

moroever the music is amazing,(I ve done a specific research on hindi music already when I was in Italy attending music university fact I chose a research on "hindi music and ethnic musical instruments" as subject of my final exam to get the musical degree at Santa Cecilia University of music . I Also love Indian nature, landscapes , philosophy of life and poetry as Tagore poems for example.

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