Fear of the enemy

Fear of the enemy

When you create an enemy, even if it is an invisible enemy, people will go into such fear and self-protection that otherwise sensible, so-called simple, peace-loving human beings will kill without any problem…

One simple trick that humanity has fallen for again and again is, if you tell them, 'Those people are the problem. If we take care of them, everything will be okay,' people are willing to go and die for it because there is an enemy. Unfortunately, in the past, most leaders in the world moved people through hatred. Adolf Hitler by himself was a powerless man. It was people who empowered him. The more people are revved up with hatred, the quicker they get up and do something. If you create an enemy, you can have whole nations going, fighting and dying. But to make people rise into action without creating an enemy takes intelligence, awareness, and tremendous energy – otherwise it will not happen. When there is an enemy, people get all fired up and go, because of the instinct of self-preservation.

Even today it is happening. When you create an enemy, even if it is an invisible enemy, people will go into such fear and self-protection that otherwise sensible, so-called simple, peace-loving human beings will kill without any problem. You can just drive them into that. So, Adolf Hitler is a great lesson. We should always remember him, and what we can do to ourselves. If we forget him, we may repeat the same mistake all over again. People who stood by him were well-educated – doctors, scientists, engineers. They were not idiots, but your intelligence can be so easily hijacked, simply by stirring a certain emotion, by creating a certain enemy, just with a certain idea or philosophy. So never forget Adolf Hitler because the same thing may happen again, any moment. I see millions of potential Adolf Hitler's all around. It is just that fortunately, they are not as potent as him.

Adolf Hitler had a great dream – he wanted to create a super world. But what a disaster! Probably no individual human being has caused that much pain and suffering in such an organized way ever before. I hope nobody else will do it ever after. The man believed 100 percent that he was doing the best thing that can be done to the world. So good intentions are not going to save the world. How you are will make the difference.

How you are will change only if you can breathe, walk, sit and do everything joyfully. If you cannot be like this, whatever you do will be poison. Only when you are pleasant within yourself, you feel pleasant about everything around you. Only when you feel pleasant about everything around you, you move around with a certain sense and value for life around you.

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