Prime Minister Narendra Modi: Time to focus on health and safety

Prime Minister Narendra Modi: Time to focus on health and safety
Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi Was born on 17th Sep 1950 at 11.40 AM in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. Narendra Modi birth star is Anuradha 2nd charan. Birth Lagna and Birth rasi is scorpio.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi Was born on 17th Sep 1950 at 11.40 AM in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. Narendra Modi birth star is Anuradha 2nd charan. Birth Lagna and Birth rasi is scorpio.

Lord Mars occupied Lagna along with 9th Lord Moon. Hence, neechabhanga rajayoga is present in his horoscope. Lagna tells about self confidence and determination and name and fame. Here lagna lord Mars occupied in lagna. Hence, native will be courageous and will have determination. Hence, he has occupied the topmost position as a PM.

From 05.05.2011 to 05.05.2021-Native is running moon major period. During this period, native became PM twice.

From 05.03.2019 to 05.11.2020 – Native running Moon major period by Venus sub-period. Venus is a malefic planet for scorpio ascendant. Hence, during this period he has taken many hasty decisions. He also lost in two states i.e. Maharashtra and Delhi.

From June to December – Native will have health problems due to the eclipse on 05.06.2020 in Jyeshta star –Scorpio sign. The eclipse will occur on 05.06.2019 in Scorpio sign. Since PM's birth sign is also Scorpio, he should take care of his health from June to September 2020.

From the moon sign – from 24th January 2020 to 17th January 2023-Saturn will occupy the third house. Hence, native will get to see developments. From 14th May 2020 to 13th Sep 2020 – Jupiter will be in retrograde position.

From 11th May 2020 to 29th Sep 2020 – Saturn will be in retrograde position. During this period, native should be very careful about his security. During this particular time,more terrorist attacks will take place in India.

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