The tasty secrets of daily nutrition for a healthier life

The tasty secrets of daily nutrition for a healthier life

With National Nutrition Week (September 1–7) on the horizon, the focus turns to the vital role daily nutrition plays in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This discussion highlights how a balanced diet can significantly enhance overall well-being, particularly for women

National Nutrition Week (NNW) is a worldwide initiative celebrated each year from September 1–7. The Hans India, spoke to Dr Jalachari Ella, Managing Director, Ella Foods, highlights the crucial role of daily nutrition in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and shares insights on how proper nourishment supports overall well-being especially for women.

Excerpts from the interview:

1. How important is nutrition for the human body?

Nutrition is undeniably the cornerstone of our health, supporting every aspect of our well-being. Just like a tree’s roots take in nutrients to grow tall and strong, our bodies rely on the nutrients from food to keep us healthy and energetic.

We need proper nutrients to function at our best, just like a car needs the right fuel to run smoothly, prevent breakdowns, and ensure longevity. By choosing nutrient-packed foods like fresh fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins, we can lead happier, healthier lives full of vitality and satisfaction!

We also need to realise that nutrition is more than simply having access to food or eating it; it is about what you receive from it. Nutrition is how effectively you nourish all the bodily parts, from your head to your toes, that help you live more fulfilling lives.

2. We live in a fast-paced world; how can one eat healthy?

In today’s fast-paced world, constantly maintaining a diet that offers proper nutrition can seem challenging. However, with the right mindset and feasible options, we can sustain a healthy diet and lifestyle.

One approach is to adopt the concept of a ‘rainbow plate,’ which entails incorporating various colourful fruits and vegetables into meals to ensure a well-rounded intake of essential nutrients. Likewise, traditional grains like different millets in our diet increase fibre, vitamins, and minerals while providing a nutritious alternative to processed meals can be incorporated. Making time on weekends to prepare meals can ensure that we eat healthy, homemade food. During busy weekdays, we can opt for quick, nutritious snacks like makhana, nuts, and whole-grain options.

At other times, it is equally essential for us to make informed decisions regarding nutrition. When choosing convenience foods, we must look for brands that prioritise health, use no preservatives, and are committed to purity and safety. Similarly, reading labels and picking goods that meet our dietary goals is important. Looking past the top of the carton for ingredients, added sugars and bad fats are even more crucial to avoid pseudo-healthy food items.

3. How much snacking is good, and will just snacking be enough to meet daily nutrition requirements?

Snacking can be beneficial when done in moderation and with the right choices. Ideally, snacks should complement main meals by providing additional nutrients and energy, not replace them.

Indulging in high-calorie snacks can contribute to weight gain, nutrient imbalances, and serious health issues. Simple changes such as choosing high-protein, low-calorie snacks like nuts, makhana, puffed rice, or healthy bars instead of fried options can satisfy cravings without excess calories.

The right amount of snacking varies from person to person, depending on factors like lifestyle, activity levels, and overall diet. Generally, one or two small, nutritious snacks daily can help maintain energy levels between meals.

So, it is important to recognise that snacking itself isn’t harmful. Understanding the reasons behind snacking behaviours and making responsible choices might help turn snacking from a foe to a friend on the road to a healthier way of life.

4. Do Indian spices have nutritional value? Which one is your favourite and why?

I think Indian spices are the heart and soul of our culinary traditions and a powerhouse of nutritional benefits. Each spice has its unique flavour and aroma, bringing more than taste.

Turmeric, in particular, is my favourite due to its high curcumin content. Curcumin has been extensively studied for its potential to combat chronic diseases such as arthritis and heart disease. It also possesses potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which support joint health and boost the immune system.

Cumin, another staple in Indian kitchens, aids digestion and is rich in iron. Even the black pepper, often called the “king of spices,” enhances nutrient absorption and has antimicrobial properties. Other spices, like coriander, offer fibre and heart health benefits. Chilli powder helps boost metabolism and adds flavour. All these spices enhance taste and contribute to overall well-being, supporting everything from digestion to immunity.

5. As winter approaches, can you share five foods/drinks to help you stay healthy this winter?

As winter approaches, it is vital to keep our bodies warm, healthy, and energised. Starting a day with a comforting glass of turmeric milk, known for its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties, provides warmth and protection during the colder months.

On days when you need something light yet nourishing, Moong Dal Khichdi, a simple one-pot meal, is my go-to comfort food. Made with split yellow lentils and rice, this simple one-pot meal is rich in protein, fibre, and essential vitamins. Traditional dishes like Sarson da Saag, made from nutrient-rich mustard greens, offer essential vitamins and minerals that strengthen your immune system while keeping you cosy and satisfied.

A cup of hot chocolate enhanced with Ashwagandha (a revered adaptogen in Ayurvedic medicine) can be the perfect evening indulgence. This healthful twist can help combat stress and fatigue, two common winter woes, while enhancing your body’s ability to resist infections.

Similarly, no winter is complete without the sweet and nutritious treat of Gajar ka Halwa. This sweet carrot dessert is a winter favourite. Loaded with beta-carotene and vitamin A, it provides a satisfying end to your meal while giving your body a nutrient-rich boost.

Many such locally preferred, natural foods and beverages can keep our bodies nourished and healthy all winter.

6. What kind of spices /nutrients will benefit women, & pregnant women?

In the journey of women’s health, particularly during pregnancy, the role of diet cannot be overstated. Integrating key spices and nutrients is vital for optimising health and ensuring a smooth pregnancy. Turmeric, with its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, along with ginger for settling the stomach, provides essential relief. Additionally, ashwagandha supports fertility and is crucial in managing stress for both maternal and fetal health.

Cumin aids digestion, and cardamom enhances overall digestive wellness. Including these ingredients in daily meals is a strategic way to support both maternal wellness and fetal development. Folic acid is important for healthy red blood cell formation and growth, while iron and calcium support increased blood volume and bone health. Omega-3 fatty acids aid brain development, and magnesium helps with muscle function. Cinnamon regulates blood sugar, and vitamin D is important for bone strength and immune health.

7. Ella Foods is an all-women company. What are the benefits of having all women in the group?

At Ella Foods, having an all-women team brings a unique and powerful dynamic to the workplace. I believe that women naturally cultivate a supportive and inclusive environment where diverse perspectives can flourish. This collectively encourages innovation in problem-solving and builds a culture of mutual respect.

I also believe that women’s natural multitasking abilities and attention to detail enable them to manage several tasks effortlessly for efficient operations. These qualities also ensure that the products and services delivered to customers are thoughtful, practical, and tailored to their needs.

Additionally, women are often more conscious of environmental and sustainability issues. This leads to using more eco-friendly sourcing, production, and packaging practices, aligning with Ella Foods’ values and those of modern consumers.

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