Calligraphy: Music to the eyes

Calligraphy: Music to the eyes
Calligraphy: Music to the eyes

You would be living under a rock if you've never heard about calligraphy. Some say that it's just beautiful writing or the skill of handwriting or the...

You would be living under a rock if you've never heard about calligraphy. Some say that it's just beautiful writing or the skill of handwriting or the skill of handwriting. While this visual art related to writing in a skill full manner with various tools is a very old art form, it is being recognised and rediscov¬ered day by day by hundreds of accounts on social media websites. especially Instagram. From broad Pens nibs to even digital art. these dancing letters are not the same as handwriting.

First and foremost. why the name Midnight Scribbler? How did this journey begin?

I was quite active in school participating in every Competition, events are it debates, declamations extempore, skating or art-related but was never really inclined towards any one thing in particular.

After 11th as expected my focus shifted to academics and everything else took a backseat being a science student. I was always into arts and craft but never really bothered to pursue it seriously. in 2006 January in 3rd year of college(graduation from SGTB Khalsa college in Chemistry), I had just joined Instagram on my best friend's insistence saying it's the new it thing and stumbled across as satisfying video while mindlessly scrolling. where the squad was being written by some calligraphy artist.

I Didn't even understand what it was and how it was being made, the pen looked like a highlighter to me and it fascinated me, so I tried writing the same way with a highlighter but failed. it took me almost 6-8 months to figure out what calligraphy was and what tools are needed.

I got my first set of brush pens and started practicing by following western accounts on Instagram, it took me many months of practice to get my basics right all on my own. Midnight Scribbler name was based on my habit of studying at nights and scribbling on every possible paper I could find side by side. So, when it came to making an account to track my progress, I went with it without a second thought Somehow it stuck and gave me a new identity.

Are you planning to pursue it as your career? what is your profession otherwise? where do you see yourself with calligraphy in the next few years?

I prefer to call it my side hustle. I'm a major in Forensic Science and I plan on working in the same field staying true to my page name and scribbling at night. In the next few years, I will grow my skill(s) and learn more forms of calligraphy and explore different mediums of art and wish to continue maintaining work and art life.

What do you for your page? How is your daily life impacted by the same?

I love brush calligraphy. It's what I started with. I also do hand-lettering art journaling dip pen calligraphy, bullet journaling, and watercolour art. I make polaroid's, bookmarks, junk bookmarks and experiment with many things. My favourite part is making videos, to see the entire process coming together gives a different sense of satisfaction to me and the viewers as well.

I love to explore and improve flourishes which adds that wow factor to calligraphy. It is not an inbuilt talent, it's a skill acquired with time consistency and a lot of patience. I am a very anxious person and calligraphy helps me soothe my mind from the daily hustle. I lose track of time when I am creating something, it's the only time I am not worried, completely lost in the process and I am sure anybody practicing the same will agree to it.

How has your experience with calligraphy been so far? How challenging it is to be an artist on social media?

Social media is constantly changing. It's both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, what I am doing started and got better because of the internet but on the other, there's constant algorithm changes and pressure of being consistent and providing quality content.

But when I am overwhelmed by the same, it all narrows down to why I started it explore learn and relax. Reach is important, but I believe in staying true to my work rest is secondary.

I have fortunately connected with really good people via social media, I am thankful to the first persons who asked me to commission something for them and set a great standard of work ethics, and my friends and family have been extremely supportive too. Earlier they didn't understand what I do and why but with growing skill and seeing the passion I have for it they understand and encourage me a lot.

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