Modi's fine fight with Covid-19

Modis fine fight with Covid-19

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is credited for the fact that, probably, he was the first political leader who understood the importance of social media

Modi also declared to help small businesses and workers together by promising that Provident Fund contribution of owner and worker would be deposited by the government for three months. This is also a huge amount. The RBI has released liquidity of Rs 4 lakh crore through various measures in Repo rates. The middle class was given facility for deferment of EMIs and other mandatory submissions. The Central government gave Rs 15,000 crore for dedicated treatment of Covid-19 patients and released Rs 11,000 crore as State Disaster Relief Fund (SDRF). Rs 31,000 crore was released to help construction workers and all States were asked to distribute them at the earliest. He ensured farm to market complete operation of agricultural commodities. Thereby, facilitating faster movement, more sowing, bumper crops and money being paid to the farmers at the earliest in order to ensure that agricultural economy started working normally

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is credited for the fact that, probably, he was the first political leader who understood the importance of social media and leveraged it to the benefit of the BJP in 2014 elections and even thereafter he used this tool to get to motivate and to put straight facts before the society in real-time. He also used radio with great effect to connect with the people through his most popular "Mann Ki Baat" programme.

I can vouch that it was Prime Minister Narendra Modi who could sense the danger of the coming corona pandemic in December itself when China was infected. That time there was no patient in India. First Indian patient was tested positive on January 30, 2020, but he used to tell us after every Cabinet meeting that this coronavirus and infection would not stop in China. It would spread all over. It was serious and all were totally unprepared. Therefore, India needed to prepare itself. India started with screening the incoming international passengers and then made it universal and after a few days itself as the danger grew, air and rail travel were suspended. Doubtful travellers were kept in a facility of Ministry of Home Affairs at Manesar. At that time, we realised how grave the situation would be. From that day onwards, he started implementing his plans to prepare India to fight Covid-19.

There was no concept of dedicated Covid-19 hospitals. Today, we have nearly 700 dedicated Covid-19 hospitals with two lakh plus isolation beds and 15,000 ICU beds.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is aimed to save the doctors and staff who treat Covid-19 patients. India had no facility. So, the first big orders were given for imports. Nearly 10 million units' order was placed. Now, in India, we have 39 factories manufacturing and stitching PPEs.

We were not manufacturing any mask, leave alone N95. Already eight million masks have been distributed and in India also many new factories have started working on N95 masks as well as many small units have started preparing and stitching homemade masks for use of common people.

We had only one lab to test. That was in Pune. Our testing capacity was just 200 per day. Now, there are nearly 300 labs to conduct tests and give results. Now we can test 20,000 plus tests a day.

Ventilators were a few to the tune of 8,400. With initial orders, now we have nearly 30,000 ventilators. Already Indian manufacturers have started manufacturing ventilators and we expect to produce domestically 30,000 ventilators.

Simultaneously, he remained connected with the world, talked to various leaders, shared their and our experiences, learned from each other and implemented everything that he found useful. Simultaneously, he thought of the impending lockdown and its impact. Therefore, he declared a huge package of Rs1,70,000 crore to protect the poor. India has the biggest food security programme under which all vulnerable classes and some more people totaling 80 crores who are given 5 kg of wheat / rice at Rs.2 /3 a kilo. Now, for April, May and June he decided to give per-person 15 kg rice / wheat plus 3 kg dal free of cost. This took the basic care of ration in the house.

A total of 20 crore women from low income groups were given direct benefit transfer of Rs 500 per month for the next three months in their Jan Dhan accounts. Further, 8.4 crore farmers were transferred Rs 2,000 in their bank accounts straightaway. A total of eight crore beneficiaries of Ujwala LPG scheme have been offered three cylinders free of cost. He offered facility of withdrawal from Provident Fund to fight Covid-19 and nearly nine lakh workers have withdrawn nearly Rs 36 crore.

Modi also declared to help small businesses and workers together by promising that Provident Fund contribution of owner and worker would be deposited by the government for three months. This is also a huge amount. The RBI has released liquidity of Rs 4 lakh crore through various measures in Repo rates. The middle class was given facility for deferment of EMIs and other mandatory submissions.

The Central government gave Rs 15,000 crore for dedicated treatment of Covid-19 patients and released Rs 11,000 crore as State Disaster Relief Fund (SDRF). Rs 31,000 crore was released to help construction workers and all States were asked to distribute them at the earliest.

He ensured farm to market complete operation of agricultural commodities. Thereby, facilitating faster movement, more sowing, bumper crops and money being paid to the farmers at the earliest in order to ensure that agricultural economy started working normally.

Lockdown is a massive decision. It will never be successful till people participate voluntarily. The Prime Minister has a continued dialogue with people. Poorest of the poor person also feels that the Prime Minister is working for their progress and he cares for them. So, he could prepare them psychologically for the long lockdown, suspension of activities and face the resultant hardship. He announced that on March 22, that people would observe People's Curfew – "Janata Curfew". In a country with 130 crore population, practically, 99% of people observed it and made it a huge success. On that evening at 5.00 pm, he asked people to ring thalis, bells, blow conches and clap for Covid workers. This really helped to motivate people to fight Covid-19 unitedly and instill discipline.

He also gave the simple four

steps to safety:

• To put on mask

• To wash hands regularly

• To keep social distancing, and

• To stay at home

By and large, people have observed this. Many sections of the society are in learning curve and as its behavior changes, after that, he asked people to light lamps for nine minutes at 9.00 pm and the whole country participated enthusiastically. Even the slum dwellers and some homeless also lit the light. When they were asked, they said, "We are saved because of Modi so we will listen to him." He continued his dialogue in between. On May 3, a new innovative programme of saluting corona warriors from sky and water was a huge spectacle which inspired people.

Thus, Modi planned in advance, planned in detail, practiced meticulously, communicated effectively, kept world in the loop and, therefore, India could succeed in better managing the Covid-19 crisis than many other advanced economies.

(The author is Union Minister of Environment, Forest & Climate Change; Information & Broadcasting; & Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises)

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