PR is not a Formula Business

PR is not a Formula Business

PR professionals are most often the face or voice of an organization to its public, fielding questions and receiving feedback from important constituent groups. The public respects and supports individuals and companies that demonstrate integrity, ethics and good business judgment in public matters. It is an issue of style versus substance

These are uneasy times for anyone who manages anything worth its salt – be it an organization, business, or even self-branding either in a creative field or politics. It is the aftermath of the emergence of management technology that has been adopted almost everywhere and in every sphere, consciously or otherwise, that has helped transform the way we see, think and act.

However, even while the miracles of our advanced technology have increased multi-fold, the real problem we face is the attitudes of people. In fact, the world is in the midst of a revolution of attitudes. Although many think its root cause is the shortages in the essentials of life, be on supply side or on the purchasing power side. But if it is true then how can we justify the dangers that stem from abundance in some developed countries?

Thus, those beliefs and concepts that shaped our civilization, Indian or Western, are now being questioned. A kind of dilemma looms large over every conceivable idea's fruitfulness and essence. And this too shapes people's attitudes. So attitude is shaped and impacted by many external as well as internal factors. To convince someone and to bring him on your wavelength requires a lot of strategies these days. It has become a daunting task.

A society does not depend primarily on advanced techniques of production and communications alone, rather it depends on various other factors. Earlier, social changes tended to come singly and slowly but now they occur in all areas at the same time with more or less the same intensity. Since all institutions and elements of society are interlinked, each change wreaks changes on others.

This is a complex world and governed by equally powerful complex system ever known in recorded history. The world is no more separated by boundaries like rivers and forests or mountains. It is now a global village. It has all the inherent qualities of a village and follows all the processes and systems set since ages. It is run by a system and has countless interacting institutions, businesses, and individuals - all intermingled and depending on each other. A closely knitted spectrum of ideas governs them. To be successful in life and in fact in any field one has to penetrate this system.

And here enters on the stage PUBLIC RELATIONS.

Understanding human psychology and attitudes has emerged as one of the greatest needs of our time. This understanding and the knowledge of how to cope with the attitudes and direct them to our desired angle is the rationale of public relations. And since all of human society today pivots on communications, one has to maximize one's communication skill. One important factor in this gambit is - Public Relations deals with understanding and uses mass communication.

Not a Formula Business

In our personal life, the role of PUBLIC RELATIONS is changing and becoming intensely more competitive. Remember, public relations cannot be computerized because formulas for building public relations programmes do not exist. At least, it is not yet a formula business. It is a function. So a realistic public relations programme is not built by reaching into a file and pulling out a formula that has been used by other companies or an individual or any of your close friends. A profitable public relations programme is built on hard analysis of present and of future corporate or individual's objectives by skilled, enthusiastic and able public relations people.

It is an Issue of Style

How something is said, what is said, and why people should respond to the message are essential elements to a successful public relations programme because PR professionals are most often the face or voice of an organization to its public, fielding questions and receiving feedback from important constituent groups. The public respects and supports individuals and companies that demonstrate integrity, ethics and good business judgment in public matters. It is an issue of style versus substance.

The Next Level

You should have solid skills in media relations, investor relations, employee communications, speaking on your feet, managing a crisis, orchestrating the right image, getting new business through shrewd public relations. But you will make progress on the learning curve only if you apply what you learn. If you understand public relations, the world is yours. If you don't, you can end up in serious trouble.

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