15 principles for campus student to become corporate citizen

15 principles for campus student to become corporate citizen

Globalisation is bringing revolutionary changes in many fields. Based on these changes, radical changes are also coming in the field of higher...

Globalisation is bringing revolutionary changes in many fields. Based on these changes, radical changes are also coming in the field of higher education. In these circumstances, non-conventional courses like B.Tech. M.Tech. MBA, MCA are getting more preference in the place of conventional academic courses B.A., B.Com, B.Sc. M.A., M.Com., and M.Sc. Many educational institutions are emerging in the country by offering above non-conventional courses and introducing new and emerging courses by these institutes.

The government and universities are making serious efforts to provide quality education by making radical changes in the syllabi and introducing many new approaches to vocational education. However, the candidates pursuing vocational education are unable to reach the appropriate standards to meet the requirements of corporates.

Many reports claim that students are lacking the right skills and employability required by corporate firms. The reasons for this include defects in government education systems, flaws in universities, defects in educational institutions, lack of interest among students and lack of proper attention of parents towards their children.

However, no matter who is responsible for the errors, the ultimate loss adversely affects the career of students. However, if the students study very carefully by taking much caution, this loss can be reduced to a large extent. That means one can adapt the required skills according to the requirement of corporates. If, such inquisitive students follow some important instructions, they can not only acquire good skills but also get high paid jobs in good companies or start a company for themselves and create job opportunities for others also.

Let's come out of illusion

Come out of myth that job opportunities can be found only by studying vocational courses. Any course should be studied with utmost care. First, one should know the priority of the course being studied.

A good grasp of the topics covered in that course should be achieved. For instance, you are a student of traditional course i.e., M.A. economics, you should possess a thorough understanding of national and international economic aspects. Then only that course will be useful. Just M.A. economics or getting a degree is of no use. You should acquire a good understanding of the subject of the course that you are studying. It is not such an easy task. Apart from reading the books of various authors related to the course, one should also read various magazines and journals related to the current trends. Frequently, you should discuss these related matters with your teachers and friends. Future trends should also be predicted through these discussions. Then only the course, you study, will be fully useful for you.

Mastering the skills

It doesn't a matter what course students are pursuing? It is imperative to master the appropriate skills. Communication skills are the ability to explain what you want to say to others in a meaningful way and write it clearly and without errors. It should not be forgotten that in today's corporate era, communication skills are highly important. For this, students should master the language from the very beginning. Especially English language should be proficient.

There is an illusion among many people that English language can be acquired only by studying in English medium. But that is the wrong idea. Today, many of those who study in English medium do not know how to write a leave letter at least. This is the pathetic situation of our studies. Anyone can master the English language. It requires due diligence and some practice. Grammatical errors should be avoided. Communication should be done in English with almost everyone. Then mastering the language becomes easy. A student should also cover the life skills or survival skills required by the present generation. They are writing skills, interactive skills, listening skills, linguistic skills, spoken skills, observation skills and reading skills (WILLSOR).

Mastery of subjects

Students should gain a good understanding of their chosen subject. They should understand their subject thoroughly rather than just scoring high marks. Then only, they can find the usage of those obtained subjects. It should be remembered that just getting more marks is of no use. A student should be able to discuss what he has learned analytically and critically. For example, the student should be able to scrutinize and explain analytically and critically the results of monetary policy announced by the Reserve Bank and its effects in the economic system.


Students should always think high. A high personality sprouts from high thoughts. One should make a habit of thinking about everything with a positive perspective instead of a negative one. Reading a book is very useful for this. Apart from reading good books, one should also know about great people. For example: If we observe the life style of the former President of India Dr Abdul Kalam, the former Prime Minister of India Vajpayee and the former President of America, Barack Obama and the renowned industrialist Ratan Tata, we can learn many things. Similarly, the lifestyles of many exemplary celebrities should be observed to enhance our personality.

(The author is the Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, Vaageswari College of Engineering, Karimnagar)

Leadership and initiative

Leadership trait means guiding others. When we have full understanding of things can we guide others. Also, when there is a problem, you should lead your teammates and try to solve it. For this, students should get used to working with initiative according to the situation from the beginning. For this, students should know about the life style of famous people and observe their behavior. The way they behaved on different occasions will serve as a guide for others.

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