Reasoning and questioning-A causality in education

Reasoning and questioning-A causality in education

Reasoning and questioning-A causality in education


‘Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning’- Albert Einstein

Reasoning is thinking about something in a logical, sensible way and coming to a fruitful conclusion, based on available evidence, that suitsall. Questioning is nothing but showing interest in learning new things.

Reasoning is important in every phase and stage of human life to see things from a different perspective. This helps develop human skills like empathy and understanding.Thesequalities strengthen creativity and help students in making connections and offers a holistic approach to problems. The reasoning starts from general and reaches tomore specific approach. It might start with a topic of interest and narrow down to specific conjectures.

Questioning is a form of human thinking, a kind of communication with yourself or with the other person. It's a method employed to explore an issue, an idea or something curious.Questioning and answering teaching strategy is an oldstrategy also known as 'Socratic method of teaching', which was developed by the famous philosopher Socrates. This method elevates, encourages and enhances the creativity in a student.According to Socrates when questions are disciplined and carefully structured then, students are able to slow down and examine their own thinking process.

Thesenior class studentsare not to clarify or clear their doubts and raised out of curiosity; to remove uncertainties and sharpen the thinking faculty. They question to look for alternatives and develop new ideas. Questioning in junior class students is usually repetitive.

Repetition gives them comfort, a kind of emotional support, a kind of drawing attention and an effort to their presence being recognized. Teachers and parents should never shy away from answering them. The inquisitive mind and nature of the child should be satiated in the best possible way. Being snubbed the child, in the later stage may become an introvert and withdrawn. Sometimes the child may tend to be violent solely to draw the attention.

Brushing them off or shooing them off or not responding to their queries can be psychologically, the most damaging act done for a child. Their questioning has to be taken as growing up process.Using throw away comments, telling a lie to get rid of them will have repercussions later when the children realize that they were lied and were fooled. The children are very sensitive so don't embarrass or belittle them either in class or at home.

Unfortunately reasoning and questioning haslost its place in the present system of education.The system is teacher-and -examinationoriented rather than being student centered.It gives more weightage and importance to rote memory rather than the acquisition of knowledge. The teaching profession, let us be honest, is not a preferred area for the top bracket of students graduating from our universities.

Thus, the academic facultydoes not have talented and skilled brains to teach and nurture students.The reason is lack of perks compared to other professions. Teaching community is the lowest paid all over the world. They should be better designed and better paid keeping in mind the learning styles and preferences of Gen Z. It is not only the draw back in teachers, it is also the attitude of students. Not only do they lack commitmentbut they are too eager to acquire degrees rather than enhancing their horizon with knowledge and skills. They have short term goals to get 6 digit salaries on completion of their studies.Moreover, what is taught in schools and colleges is almost redundant for job markets.

The students are constantly lined up on the starting line and prepared to be alert in the rat race. In this race the analytical skill that students must have, is beingpoisoned and killed.

Focusing only on theory subjects and syllabus restricted to information based rather than knowledge based does not allow students to look beyond the main subjects chosen. It is often seen that students just mug up the formulae and theories without actually understanding them. This is because less attention is being given to understanding part before moving to the next lesson.The habit to respond to situations out of curiosity,find solutions and give suggestionsfires the imagination of the questioner.

Most students don't speak up or ask questions for many reasons. They might not understand the material and feel hesitant and afraid that their questions appear unintelligent.

Students don't raise hands because the person is being shy. Fear of peers; some students are self-conscious of what their class mates think of them, they may make fun of their understanding capacity or concentration. So, it takes strength to raise your hand in class and ask questions. More often than not, other students have similar questions.The student may struggle in structuring and formulating the question. Keeping in mind all these, there is a necessity for interactive atmosphere where in students participate in thoughtful two-waydiscussion which is challenging.

Faulty lecture format where in the speaker delivers in an eloquent, specialized way to the students.The teacher sometimes does not like being disturbed as it obstructs the flow of the lecture and take valuable class time. Even if the teacher asks for questions sometimes, it's not possible for students to come up with plausiblequestions. Questioning comes only after the lesson is properly understood and the pupil's mind starts thinking. Sometimes the pedagogue expects the studentsto ask questions at the end of the class or lesson which may be the time when everyone isgetting ready to pack up and leave or preparing for the next class. There could be some misunderstandingwhen the teacher takes it as challenging their teaching ability or may be a way of distracting the class.

A pause for a considerable time in between two lectures before moving on to a fresh one gives ample time for students to think and frame questions.Sometimes they discuss with their peers and come out to clarify their doubts.The large number of students, there often is not enough time for the teacher to hold one on one conversation with each student.

At the end of the day, it is the moral responsibility of every teacher to correct mis information, to respond to situations, find solutions andgive suggestions to all questions without categorizing them as good or bad.The students should be drawn out of their self- made cocoons. For that questioning should be somewhat like a game, can be grouped and have them all brain storm together to come up with questions.

Create a question box for students to place their questions. The teacher can take up one or two a day or as and when time permits. Sometimes it may not be possible to answer orget or know answers to all the questions asked. But attempt has to be made to pacify the curiosity of the student. When you are giving an answer stay controlled; you are empowering a person, you are adding value and giving additional information and the conversation is extended further. Questioning and being curious are powerful leadershipbehaviors. Wait forresponse, do not interrupt. High integrity teachers not only welcome questioning and criticism- they insist on it. Human being is a reasoning animal.So, the children must be taught how to think not what tothink.The faculty to think objectively is reason.

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