Rahul Gandhi – date of birth 19th June, 1970, time 02.31 pm, place Delhi

Rahul Gandhi

Rahul Gandhi


Birth star: Moola 1st charan, Moon sign Sagittarius, lagna Libra. Lagna lord Venus is occupied in 10th house in rasi chart whereas Venus is...

Birth star: Moola 1st charan, Moon sign Sagittarius, lagna Libra.

Lagna lord Venus is occupied in 10th house in rasi chart whereas Venus is debilitated in Navamsha. Native will have lagna virgothama. Hence, lagna will have more strength. Due to this reason, the native will have more stubborn nature and will take hasty decisions. Lagna occupied by 6th lord Jupiter and 4th and 5th lord Saturn occupied 7th house. Hence, the native will not maintain proper public relations because Saturn will control mass public. The native will not get co-operation from mass public.

From 08.04.2019 to 08.04.2037, the native will run Rahu major period. Rahu occupied 5th house but sign lord Saturn is in debilitated position. Hence, Rahu will not give good results and native will face many hurdles. So, in 2019 election, Congress was defeated.

From 20.12.2021 to 14.05.2024, the native will run Rahu major period by Jupiter sub period. Jupiter is 3rd and 6th Lord and posted in lagna. During this period, some developments will take place. The native should take proper care about his health. 4th house tells about mother. Here 4th lord Saturn is in 7th house in debilitated position. Jupiter aspects Saturn. Hence, entire Jupiter sub period, native should take proper care about this mother's health.

From 15.05.2024 to 20.03.2027, native will run Rahu by Saturn. During this period, the native will face many failures in politics, mental tension, minor health problems. He may be far off to politics some times. From moon sign, till 16th Jan 2023, native will run seven and half Saturn period. Native will get lot of disappointments in politics. There will not be any improvement.

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