One detected with Nipah symptoms in State

One detected with Nipah symptoms in State

Nipah virus scare has started in Karnataka. A young man who was studying in Bangalore died of Nipah in Kerala recently. Now 41 contacts who had gone to his funeral have been found and the health department has subjected all 41 people to mandatory quarantine and isolation.

Bengaluru: Nipah virus scare has started in Karnataka. A young man who was studying in Bangalore died of Nipah in Kerala recently. Now 41 contacts who had gone to his funeral have been found and the health department has subjected all 41 people to mandatory quarantine and isolation.

Nipah, raging in Kerala, has also brought danger to Karnataka.

A 23-year-old studying in a prestigious engineering college in Bangalore, was a victim of suspected Nipah in Kerala. A student from Malappuram, Kerala was injured in the leg. So he left for Tannuri on August 25.

On September 5, the young man developed fever. Even after treatment at the nearest clinic, there was no cure. On September 6, the young man started vomiting profusely. He was admitted to the ICU of NES Private Medical College, Kerala on September 7 due to health problems.

The young man, who was suffering from acute respiratory distress syndrome, breathed his last on September 8. The deceased youth’s blood and serum samples were positive for Nipah.

As the student died, an important meeting was held with the health department officials in the state. In Karnataka, strict vigilance was advised regarding Nipah.

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