5 tips that can help you to come out of your breakup phase

5 tips that can help you to come out of your breakup phase

Being in love is one of the most beautiful thing ever. It’s like a tonic or some kind of an addictive drug.

Being in love is one of the most beautiful thing ever. It's like a tonic or some kind of an addictive drug. You get to meet someone whom we never knew or met yet, you get to know about each other, and learn new things together. But the dark phase of love starts after the breakup. Breakups are very painful,everyone agrees that it sucks inside-out and turns you insane.

Take your own time to get over it and there's no hard and fast rule that you should get over the next day act normal as if like it's just a malign dream. It's very common these days that a lot of men hit the gym for work-outs, especially after a bad break-up. That's one better way to make yourself stronger, physically and mentally.

Whether you agree or disagree with me, a breakup is a positive signal to reinvigorate yourself and start fresh again. Bad things happen in life but that doesn't mean the doors of good are closed. It's that your vision became so obscure to see the beautiful world. Your eyes are filled with tears, dust and regret to see the truth. Facing the truth is the only way to resurge back to normal condition.

However, here are the five tips that can help to come out of your breakup phase.

Invite new people into your life: After a breakup, a lot of people either quit social interaction or reduce talking to people. Never do that, because it's a sign of depression. Try making new friends on social media, and invite new people into your life. Constant interaction with someone will make you feel better and will never make you feel alone or empty inside. This is one positive way to start again fresh.

Rearrange your living space: Regrouping or making some minor adjustments to your living space will make you feel better than before. It brings a discrete look to your room. It feels like things have changed and moved on.

Try to spend a lot of time outside: Fresh air keeps you going better. Being outside makes you feel like you are with the people but not alone. And if you have any of your cool friends nearby to your place, try to catch up with them. Talk to them,they make you feel better.

Start journalizing: There are a lot of things that happen with us regularly. Every day we scream, yell, fight, and talk with ourselves (with our brain). We might have fear of someone that they'll judge us when we say that we broke up with X because of Y reasons. Ignore them, take a piece of paper and a pen and write what you feel about it. Journalizing is the best possible way to keep your feelings and emotions honestly on a page/book/diary.

Try this every day for 15-20 minutes. Do it before going to sleep – Sit down silently on your bed, think what happened the whole day? Start writing one by one in points. So, what happens after this is, it gives you clarity of yourself and aids you to identify the pros and cons that happened

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