Homoeoparivar: One Health, One Family

Homoeoparivar: One Health, One Family

Homoeoparivar: One Health, One Family


Dr Mahesh Pagadala’s Homoeopathy from Hyd speaks about importance of Homoeo

Dr Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, (born April 10, 1755, Meissen, Germany.

His father Christian Gottfried Hahnemann was a painter and designer of porcelain, for which the town of Meissen is famous.

Hahnemann graduated with a medical degree with honors from the University of Erlangen on 10 August 1779

Hahnemann's thesis was titled Conspectus adfectuum spasmodicorum aetiologicus et therapeuticus [A Dissertation on the Causes and Treatment of Spasmodic Diseases]

Hahnemann was dissatisfied with the state of medicine in his time, and particularly objected to practices such as bloodletting. He claimed that the medicine he had been taught to practice sometimes did the patient more harm than good:

Founder of Homoeopathy medicine also known as Father of Homoeopathy.

Although the field of homeopathy is most definitely not accepted by the medical community today, its founder was a doctor who was trying to create medical practices that were gentler on the body than, say, bloodletting.

Hahnemann was a Swiss physician and translator. "He was one of many physicians in the 1700s who set out to explore systematically the use and effects of medical drugs," according to the Science Museum in London.

He published an essay, followed in 1810 by the fundamental text of homeopathy, the Organon of the Rational Art of Healing, and homeopathy was born. The encyclopedia notes that Hahnemann "proved" his methods worked by administering the drugs to healthy subjects and watching for effects that would correspond to disease.

but homeopathy is a thriving field today in spite of the medical community largely rejecting it. "Most rigorous clinical trials and systematic analyses of the research on homeopathy have concluded that there is little evidence to support homeopathy as an effective treatment for any specific condition," according to the NIH's National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.

In 1781, Hahnemann took a village doctor's position in the copper-mining area of Mansfeld, Saxony. He soon married Johanna Henriette Kuchler and would eventually have eleven children staying in many different towns and villagesn Dresden, Torgau, Leipzig and Köthen (Anhalt) before finally moving to Paris in June 1835.

Hahnemann continued practicing and researching homeopathy, as well as writing and lecturing for the rest of his life. He died in 1843 in Paris, at 88 years of age, and is entombed in a mausoleum at Paris's Père Lachaise Cemetery.

The first World Homeopathy Day was celebrated in 2005, after it was officially declared by the World Homeopathy Awareness Organization (WHAO) at its annual conference in New Delhi, India.

World Homoeopathy Day is observed& celebrated every year on April 10th. This day is celebrated to mark the birth anniversary of Dr Samuel Hahnemann, who is the founder of Homoeopathy.

Today, homoeopathy is a widely used alternative form of medicine that is practiced all over the world. Homoeopathy can treat a wide range of conditions from allergies and arthritis to depression, anxiety & upto genetical level diseases.

Thanks to Govt. Of India for forming separate Ministry of AYUSH & encouraging the traditional system of medical science. In Which all traditional medicines are included under one roof(AYURVEDA YOGA UNANI SIDHA HOMOEOPATHY). Padmasri Dr KG Saxena fought for the rights of Homoeopathy, by forming a organization, Founder of INDIAN INSTITUTE of HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS-IIHP. Now President of honour Padmasri Dr VK Gupta, Dr M A Rao(National President), & scientific committee of IIHP, who are the key roles in developing Homoeopathy & propagating awareness world wide through IIHP. World Homeopathy Day is observed in India under the guidance provided by the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India(GOI). Homeopathy is regarded as one of the most prevalent medicinal systems in India. Being recognised by the World Health Organization as the fastest growing and second largest medical system (WHO).AYUSH ministry's Central Council for Research in Homeopathy. On this day, April 10th 2023 at Vigyan Bhavan New delhi celebrated World Homoeopathy day. The theme of World Homeopathy Day 2023 is Homoeoparivar:"One Health, One Family," with the goal of promoting evidence-based homeopathic therapy for the health and welfare of the entire family through local physicians.

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