Sinusitis is an inflammation of your sinuses!

Sinusitis is an inflammation of your sinuses!

Dr Gudipudi Rajesh from ENT Gudipudi Hospital, Khammam speaks about Sinusitis

Q1.What is sinusitis?

Sinusitis is a problem, in which sinuses(air filled spaces in our facial bones) when

infected by viral/bacterial/ fungal infection leads to swelling of the sinus lining causing acute/chronic sinusitis.

Q2.What are symptoms of sinusitis ?

• Nose block

• Nasal/post nasal discharge

• Facial pain

• Headache

Decreased / loss of sense of smell

Q3.What are the causes of sinusitis?

• Deviated nasal septum

• Allergic rhinitis

• Chronic adeno tonsillitis

• Immuno deficincies

• Frequent colds

• Nasal polyps

• Fungal allergy/infection

• Secondary to swelling in nose/tumors of nose and sinuses

Q4.What is the treatment for sinusitis ?

• Acute sinusitis

• Is self limiting and no need of medicatin or given only anti cold medication (usually when viral) treated with course of antibiotics and saline nasal wash and anti cold medication for 3 weeks when associated nasal discharge with yellowish or green or brown colour is seen (indicating a bacterial infection)

• Chronic Sinusitis

• Chronic sinusitis is treated with – Maximal medical managment -For 3 months with saline nasal wash and immunomodulators

• And culture directed antibiotics, and anty cold medication when the sinuses drainage on ct scan are notblocked

• Functional endoscopic sinus surgery – Is done when chronic sinusitis on ct scan shows completely blocked sinus drainage pathway or for chronic sinusitis not responding to maximal medical managment

• Chronic sinusitis with associated polyps/fungal mucin etc are treated with endoscopic sinus

• Chronic Sinusitis Associated With Allergic Rhinitis (Manifested By Sneeznings/Runny Nose) Treated with surgery followed by long term anti allergic medication and can take allergy shots following serum allergy panel/skin prick test for allergy diagnosis.

Q5.What are tests required for sinusitis?

• We require a nasal endoscopy, ct scan of nose and sinuses and sometimes allergy test , nasal swab, and tests for surgical fitness if planning for surgery.

Q6. What is endoscopic sinus surgery?

• Endoscopic sinus surgery is done to improve the function of sinuses, as a part of treating the chronic sinusitis.

• Patients who underwent surgery for sinusitis with polyps/fungal sinusitis require long term follow up every 3-4 months for further medical managment and avoid recurrence of the problem.

• If sinusitis is due to deviated nasal septum or enlarged turbinates in nose, they are corrected simultaneously with endoscopic sinus surgery.

• If sinusitis is due to allergic rhinits(sneezings/runny nose), then after endoscopic sinus surgery followed by treament for allergic rhinitis need to continued with anti allergy medication or by getting allergy shots according to the allergy tests needed.

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