International HR Day 2021: HR Shaping the New Future

International HR Day 2021

International HR Day 2021: HR Shaping the New Future


International HR Day 2021: The international HR day offers an opportunity to join your profession in an international recognition of entire hardworking HR and people professional across the world

International HR Day 2021: The international HR day offers an opportunity to join your profession in an international recognition of entire hardworking HR and people professional across the world.

• Theme for 2021 for an HR international Day, is shaping the new future

• Sending a virtual gift or care package

• Invite a champion of the HR profession to speak in a virtual forum

• Give your HR team a big shout out on social media

• Produce a video or photo collage as to what it means for HR to shape the new future

• Present a recognition or award to your HR Staff members

• Showcase a good HR initiative that has had an impact on work and working lives

• Organizing an event, which will bring employees together to network and share knowledge

• Acknowledge people who have made good contributions

• Offer support to people who may be having challenges or experience difficulty

• Launch a new initiative to address a workplace/social concern like mental health

Five inspiring quotes for HR professionals

1. Every good conversation starts with listening –Tom Haak

2. When people go to work, they shouldn't have to leave their hearts at home." – Betty Bende

3. "In order to build a rewarding employee experience, you need to understand what matters most to your people." – Julie Bevacqua

4. I am convinced that nothing we do is more important than hiring and developing people. At the end of the day, you bet on people not on the strategies." – Lawrence Bossidy

5. Train people well enough so they can leave. Treat them well enough so they don't have to." – Sir Richard Branson

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