Saturday Motivation: Give Wings To Minimalism To Save Mother Earth

Saturday Motivation: Give Wings To Minimalism To Save Mother Earth

If there's one lesson that the coronavirus lockdown has taught us, it is the realization how little we need to survive.

If there's one lesson that the coronavirus lockdown has taught us, it is the realization how little we need to survive. Be it food, clothes, drinking or even using our vehicles. We can do without all these. At least that's what we have learnt during the last few months of lockdown.

When COVID19 started claiming lives in huge numbers, there were talks that this was the fury of Mother Earth and a way to teach humans a lesson. Sure enough we have learnt our lessons. The most important lesson is that we don't need much to lead a normal life. Eating at home, being self sufficient and wearing almost the same clothes day in and day out, minia or zero use of personal transport, fewer trips to supermarkets and buying only essential stuff has made us realise how much we have abused the facilities we have. If we could survive the last few months with minimum things then it simply means we could do follow the same in future too.

Besides, do you know that minimalism also helps environment? We are used to accumulating stuff and why not declutter for a change? With people slowly realizing the value of things and the way to lead lives without making a fuss about everything, minimalism will soon become order of the day. People are also being asked to take up online challenges like 100 things challenge where they have been asked to downsize their stuff.

Did you know that consumerism contributes to 60% of greenhouse gas emissions? So, don't we all feel responsible towards our environment for us and even for future generations?

Minimalism also means no more overbuying whatever you can lay your hands in the super market. Buying only essential products also means less wastage and keeping the environment clean. Besides with more and more people opting for home delivery as a means of convenience, one can well imagine the amount of carbon footprints left behind by the trucks delivering those goods at your doorstep. So opt for picking up essential stuff yourself or make a list of things you badly need and order them to get delivered at once instead of ordering week after week.

Donate whatever you have in excess--ne it clothes, books or even food, this way you are not cluttering your house with unwanted stuff. Minimalist is the way to go If you really care for the environment. This weekend, do ponder over this.

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