Saturday Thoughts: Sit Back And Reflect On Positivity

Saturday Thoughts
Saturday Thoughts

Saturday Thoughts: Saturday signals the arrival of another weekend as also the end of a week. This means we can look forward to another eventful week ahead.

Saturday Thoughts: Saturday signals the arrival of another weekend as also the end of a week. This means we can look forward to another eventful week ahead.

While some of your work six days a week and a few others 5 days, there are people working round the clock and seven days of the week too--think homemakers, doctors, policemen and the like. Anyway, we all have our day off and that is the day to take it easy. Be it one day or two days or even a couple of hours you get for yourself, consider that as your me time to sit back and reflect.

Think of all the things that happened over the week, both good and bad. Think of all that you have planned to do next week. So today, make a resolution to think of only the good things that happened to you. This way you set positive vibes for the next week. You all agree with me if I said that nobody wants to remember bad memories right? It is painful. There are memories, moments you want to cherish forever. The mere thought of a happy moment can make your heart flutter and jump in joy. So why think of anything unpleasant at all? Today, make a resolution to think of only the good things in life. Feel grateful for all the things you have received. Remember what you sow, so you reap. So if you are thinking of only the positives of your life you will reap only positive things.

I want you leave you with these Saturday thoughts so you could sit back and reflect on how thinking of only nice things can make you feel good. After all, like they say happiness is in your hands.

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