Kamakhya Devi : The Bleeding Goddess

Kamakhya Devi : The Bleeding Goddess

Kamakhya Devi is famous as the bleeding goddess. Although menstruation is a basic biological function, the stigma around it refuses to end.

Kamakhya Devi is famous as the bleeding goddess. Although menstruation is a basic biological function, the stigma around it refuses to end.

The mythical womb and vagina of shakti are supposedly installed in the 'Garvarigha' or sanctum of the temple. In the month of June ( Ashadam) the goddess bleeds and menstruates.

At this time, the Brahmaputra river near Khamkhya turns really red. The temple then turns closed for 3 consecutive days, and the holy water is distributed among the devotees of kamakhya devi...

There is no scientific proof so far that the blood actually turned red due to the goddess menstrual cycle. Some people say that the priests pour vermilion into the waters.

But symbolically, menstruation is the symbol of women's creativity and power to give birth. So the deity and temple of Khamkhya celebrate this shakti of power within every woman.






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#Kamakhyatemple # kamakhya

#thebleedinggoddess# endthestigma





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