Make this Ramadan more spiritual!

Make this Ramadan more spiritual!

During Ramadan, all good deeds are multiplied seventy times, SubhanAllah.

The most diverse feature of Ramadan is it demands able Muslims to fast for this whole month. This holy month gives us an opportunity to recharge our Imaan (faith) for the entire year. Let's do some good things which can make our Ramadan more spiritual this year.

Please do remember that all good deeds — big or small — all get multiplied seventy times during Ramadaan, subhan'Allah. Let's follow them and hope they become our habit.

We all can make our individual plan to be benefited from and do a bit extra to earn some bonus blessings from the Almighty.

Here are some good deeds that we can follow:

 Don't miss your prayers and try to perform in the mosques as much as possible.

 Recite Quran every day.

 Break fast in the mosque at least once a week.

 Be extra generous and do charity as much as possible.

 Please control our anger in all situations and ensure that you don't hurt anyone.

 Please feed the needy and provide food for breaking the fast.

 Visit sick people and help them if they are in need.

 Invite non-Muslim friends and neighbours to join iftar (breaking fast)

 Keep yourself away from the unnecessary talk.

 Smile! We are lucky to be part of this Ramadan.

 Show kindness towards birds and animals.

 Ask Almighty to forgive the mistakes made intentionally as well as unintentionally.

 On Laylatul Qadr please stand for prayers. In the last ten days, one of the odd nights could be Laylatul Qadr!

 Be a helping hand in your family chores and keep your surroundings clean.

 Show mercy and forgive others, don't hold a grudge.

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