Tick Tock Day

Tick Tock Day

Tick… Tock… Tick… Tock… This is the sound of the year, and indeed your life, slowly slipping away. Every moment not spent living life to the fullest...

Tick… Tock… Tick… Tock… This is the sound of the year, and indeed your life, slowly slipping away. Every moment not spent living life to the fullest is another moment that is gone forever, impossible to reclaim. Tick Tock Day reminds you that the year is almost at an end, and there are things still left to be doing, and in fact, only two days left to do them in. Don’t let the year end with regret! Get out there and beat the Tick Tock!

Tick Tock Day has been created to remind us all about the importance of completing any tasks that we have not yet finished. As we get close to the end of the year, it gives us a good opportunity to wrap up any unfinished business that we may have.

This can include both personal goals and business goals. For businesses, for example, you may need to make charitable donations and complete business purchases before the year-end so that you can include them within your tax return for the year.

From a personal point of view, there may be a few things that you need to tick off your bucket list or your objectives could be small ones, such as finishing a book or clearing out your wardrobe.

Tick Tock Day enables you to start the following year with a clear head. It can ensure that you start the next chapter of your life in the best possible way, giving yourself the greatest shot of having a successful year ahead.

After all, no one wants to carry their clutter and disorganization with them into another calendar year, right? There is something quite therapeutic about having a couple of ultra-productive days before January hits.

Every year people look forward to New Year’s Eve to establish their New Year’s Resolutions, which of course rarely if ever come to pass. But what of the last precious moments of the year already passed? Tick Tock Day urges us to make the most of this time to complete those tasks that can be done in that time, and further to remind us just how much can be done in a short amount of time if you truly urge yourself forward. The day was created by Ruth and Thomas Roy at Wellcat.com.

Wouldn’t it be nice to start the next year with a clear head and a clean heart? We all of us have regrets of things we wish we had done that remained unfinished or that we consider to be opportunities past. So long as you still draw breath there is still time to accomplish the things you wish to do with your life, don’t let the idea that it’s ‘too late’ get into your head.

Tick Tock Day reminds you that there is always time for another last minute, so get out there and make sure that you don’t leave a year behind you full of regrets!

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