Here Are The Frogs Which Look Like Angry Avocados But They Have Most Adorable Squeeks

Black Rain Frog
Black Rain Frog

This angry frog posing with wrinkles on forehead is not actually disappointed or sad but that's how a normal Black Rain Frog looks exactly

This angry frog posing with wrinkles on forehead is not actually disappointed or sad but that's how a normal Black Rain Frog looks exactly…

Image credit: 22sect

Black Rain Frogs are the species which will are only found in the southern slopes of the Cape Fold Belt in South Africa. They reside at elevations over 3,300ft (1,000m). Being a burrowing species, the rain frog inhabits fynbos and forest fringes. These frogs don't even need the presence of open water!

Image credit: 22sect

Generally, when these frogs are seen disturbed and threatened they will puff up and enlarge its body turning more aggressive.

Image credit: weshalljoinourhouses

When it comes to mating season, the female will frog will secrete a sticky substance on its back which attracts the male frog and makes it from falling off; this is simply known as adhesive amplexus.

Image credit: DamianVanAswegen

Next comes the 'Desert Rain Frog'… These tiny animals reside in a small coastal strip of land between the African countries of Namibia and South Africa… These frogs spend most of the day time in the buried sand dunes.

Image credit: thewondersofthenatrual

As the region these frogs reside is sand moist, they absorb water directly from the sand through the patch which is present on their bellies. This patch looks transparent and also holds numerous blood vessels and capillaries.

Image credit: thewondersofthenatrual

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Here is the video of this 'Desert Rain Frog'… Have a look!

They look ferocious but are unique… They go out with the defending turf says wildlife photographer Dean Boshoff who bravely discovered the daily life of thee Desert Rain Frogs where they are seen residing in the dunes along Port Nolloth in the Northern Cape province.…

Image Courtesy: Borepanda

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