What does your handwriting say about you?

What does your handwriting say about you?

What does your handwriting say about you?


In this digitally connected world, handwritten letters are valued for the personal touch that they add, connecting people heart-to-heart

In this digitally connected world, handwritten letters are valued for the personal touch that they add, connecting people heart-to-heart. While there's enough that one can convey by penning thoughts in sentences, there's much more the reader can discern about the writer's personality through their handwriting. By engaging in graphology – a study of handwriting, one can learn an array of personality traits that the writer possesses.

Sudhir Kove, The Logo Guru said, "Right from the size of the letters, the spacing between words, to the leaning of the words, a lot goes into the writing unknowingly that could be read by one. In case you practice using large letters, your communication skills are often intriguing with the confidence that you wrap in the same. You as a person are people-oriented who enjoys attention. The average letter size depicts a flexible aura. Shy people often practice conveying less, hence they also keep their letters to be usually on the conscious side. Small letters are also a sign of being studios."

As Kahlil Gibran in his poem mentioned, "Let there be spaces in your togetherness", the adage also applies to the spacing between the words written by one. The space between the words speaks volumes about how a person is in the real world. A person with full of freedom in their thought process usually likes to keep their words distinctively spaced out so each word gets its own time to be read and understood by the larger audience. Narrow spacing is for those who are sceptical of their work and need constant approval from others before going forward with a decision.

Spacing is followed by the shape of a letter that one uses while hand writing any piece. Cursive writing indicates a logical mind that believes in connected events and explaining the same, whereas pointed shape usually depicts aggression, intellectual or intense viewpoint that the writer possesses as a trait. The artistic minds usually stick to keeping the shape as round as possible.

To reiterate that leaning words can underscore the very obvious way about the writer, an Italics conduct in slanting the words speaks about a forward-looking and outspoken personality that one holds within. A static use of words without bending them anywhere is practiced by the serious, practical writers who don't eye to mask their idea lost somewhere. Leaning the words towards the left? Then you surely don't like opening up wholeheartedly.

Page margins duly play an important role in deciding if the person scribbling his/ her thoughts. Whether he/she is someone who treats life leisurely or is hard-bound to achieve something very quickly, it could be known with the way they treat the margins. Breaching all margins is common and shows that the writer is restless and doesn't like to rest with their brain running continuously. Left margin breach indicates stuck onto something from the past that still haunts you. On the flip side, the ones who only breach the right side of the page's margin is often forward-looking and strives for a bright future.

Pressure while writing is another deciding factor of one's personality trait. Loving to keep your word and commitments, you often engage in applying more pressure while you write. On the contrary, sensitive minded people put less pressure and are more considerate about what the opposite person might think. Tiredness or laziness deeply ingrained in one also sees copies with minimal pressure applied on them.

To sum it, graphology is quite a deep sea. To know each drop of it and read people's hearts by not only finding meaning in the words that they scribble but also understanding their aura through their handwriting is certainly an art.

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